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Posts posted by captainb

  1. Just now, Unmoderated said:

    You know what the most worrying thing about this is? 2022/23 was a record tax collection year for HMRC and 10% higher than the previous tax year. If they're still running out of money I have two questions:

    • What the f*** are they spunking it on (rhetorical question - f***ing boomers)
    • Where should I emigrate to?

    Talking to several of the higher skilled (those with actual professional qualifications requiring an actual training contract) at work and it's on everyone's mind. UAE? USA? Canada? Oz? NZ? India even?

    Didn't you enjoy all the lockdowns? 

    Totally cost free ....... 

  2. 8 minutes ago, A.steve said:

    If you think the 'brains' are in London - I find it hard to believe you've visited... let alone that you live in Zone 4.  Have you even seen MPs in Westminster on TV... or are you referring to Moscow on Thames?

    Your language has become awfully militaristic... are you sure you're obsessed about British house prices?  It feels like you have quite different motivations.

    As for polluting territory on its own doorstep... perhaps Russian leadership should have considered that before deciding upon a military invasion of a neighbouring country?

    What zone 4 does to you, forever peeking over the neighbours golden fence into the land of milk and honey that is zone 3.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Insane said:

    I think generally people's expectations are very high. 

    We are all told when you grow up you will meet a prince/princess marry and live happily ever after. The truth is a bit different to that. 

    I have also heard of Men having been taken for a ride by women now only having sex with Men. But surely there has to be an element of Bi- Sexuality within these people to begin with they don't turn to their own sex just due to bad experiences with the opposite sex.  

    Without wanting to be too crude..

    You don't think god she was a nightmare, guess as it's a Wednesday let's go next  door and stick my ***** up Jeff...unless you are at least BI.

  4. 4 hours ago, Jinxed said:

    The BOE base rate is 5%.

    Just as it was in 1996, when the base rate hovered between 5% to 6%.

    But in 1996 the nationally priced average house cost 55k and the national average individual wage was £16.6k.

    55/16.6 = 3.3x individual salary. (The 20thC median measure of affordability)

    The national average individual wage today is around £25k, and the national average house is around £285k

    25/285 = 11.4x individual salary.

    Nobody back in 1996 would have voted for any political party who tried to get elected by selling them the notion of house prices at 11.4x salary.

    Just trying to put some perspective on the horrendous scale of economic inequality that 25 years of horrific Government and out of control Banking regulation has caused.....



    Anyone with housing paid off and close to retirement logically would have... Plus landlords Yadda Yadda 


  5. 2 hours ago, Oliver Sutton said:

    You forgot to mention the expenses and allowances.

    In addition to the above benefits, PMs can claim for the reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of their duties. They are entitled to money

    Office expenses
    Office running costs
    Staffing costs
    Travel for staff
    Centrally purchased stationery
    Postage costs
    Central IT costs
    Communications allowance
    MPs are entitled to claim £9,000 a year for postage and stationery (financial year 2015–16). This amount is in addition to any stationery and postage costs which Members may have reimbursed under the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority's expenses Scheme.[29]

    During the COVID-19 pandemic MPs were able to claim additional expenses of up to £10,000 to support the costs of them and their staff working from home.[30]

    Housing, second home, and travel
    MPs receive allowances towards having somewhere to live in London and in their constituency, and travelling between Parliament and their constituency.

    Yep get rid of all of that, half the number and pay them 200k

    No additional earnings allowed. Inclusive of 3 years post office. Where pay will be 100k.

    Seems expensive but cheap for an honest system 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Casual-observer said:

    That's the same justification that paying monarch vast sums would ensure they are kept independent, it doesn't work. 

    If an MP cannot survive on £88k in the capital then it's admission that no one else can. 

    To keep an MP truly independent then all lobbying and conflicts of interest should be declared including grace and favours extended to family members and if they don't it's prison time.

    At the moment they simply bank and use the non taxable grace and favours system and bank that undeclared income after they are out of power. 


    Clearly millions do live in the capital for under 88k a year.

    My point is if you are in one of the profession's it's a tough sell to your family to take the 88k per annum position rather than a 150k plus without a second job. Even junior lawyers at decend firms start on more than 88k now.

    If you to restrict Mps to those with family wealth or second jobs or those who wouldn't / choose not to take higher earnings then fine. Just think it's a false economy.

    Agree ref monarchy I'm a republican 

  7. 1 minute ago, bartelbe said:

    Being an MP is not a full time professional job. No compulsory hours of work, no performance target and no qualification requirement.

    Boris did his full time professional "job" while in a different country trousering mountains of cash for after diner speaking assignments.

    The idea that MPs are underpaid is laughable, you can show that with market forces. If they were truly underpaid it would difficult to replace them but the reality is, if every MP resigned you have no problem finding multiple candidates to replace them. In fact market forces suggest that MPs are overpaid, not underpaid.

    Of course Tories only believe in market forces when it suits them.

    With whom though? If your argument is all MPs are self serving and incompetent perhaps increasing the salary, reducing the ability or removing the chance to have second jobs is the way to go.

    88k isn't enough to attract many with a family to support in London, not without a second job anyway.

  8. 9 hours ago, bartelbe said:

    The same Tory MPs who take multiple jobs and claim they are underpaid on 88K a year plus all the expenses they can steal are shocked when the rest of the country aren't saints?

    The reality is Covid opened allot of people's eyes to how easy it is to play the system, not mention the joys of not working. We have more than one person at my work who has been milking the sick pay system and these use to be the sort of people who never missed a day of work.

    Won't comment on the expenses as agree 

    88k for London is pretty poor though for a full time professional job 


  9. 7 hours ago, PeanutButter said:

    Got a woman playing this game right now. made a bullying complaint (fair) and got her manager disappeared, then had to shoulder the workload and come under more scrutiny of her work performance so suddenly developed non-specific mental ill health. Signed off for months now. Full pay. 

    Middle aged, deaf but refuses to wear an aid. Can’t hear what clients are saying. She’s gonna milk us for years.

    I think I’m open minded but if it was up to me I’d try balance the team out with some men. Too many women and all prone to hysterics and back stabbing.

    Go ahead, crucify me. 

    Bizarrely I find women managing women and men the worst combination.

    Women managing women works.

    Women being managed by men can work.

    Women managing men works.

    Women managing women and men tend to lead to all the ladies falling out with each other and the manager favouring the man in the team.

    From years of experience but happy to be crucified also.


    On milking it depends on contractual terms. Sadly I also push for stat only after X weeks regardless of years of service. Otherwise you get this. Note X weeks for me is 3 months or more. 

  10. 2 hours ago, MARTINX9 said:

    Not just GB news but also the mirror.


    What would be the point of a lockdown if it is spread by ticks and livestock. I presume they would just have to stop people visiting the countryside and wooded areas. Its apparently already reached Spain and Croatia so perhaps people need to be warned when they go there on their hols in the next few weeks?!!

    World's gone batshit.

    After last lockdown lack of cost benefit analysis we seem happy to assume it's "free" 

  11. 26 minutes ago, Bear Goggles said:

    Interesting nugget about Spain offering a 15% tax rate for non-EU citizens working remotely, I wonder if that's true. I might look into that! - That's the first Brexit benefit I've ever spotted - Pity it's not going to benefit the average flag-waving Farage fan, but hey, I guess most of them are retired anyway.

    If you've got kids here, that's an obvious friction against moving abroad, but college leavers and empty nesters take note. I'm closer to the latter than the former these days, I do wonder whether I might do something like that for a while in the window between looking after the kids and retiring.

    Hmmm I also have an Irish passport alongside British...

    British for taxes, Irish for the residency rights. Sorted in benidorm 

  12. Poster who starts a thread every other day with some crisis wonders why the world hasn't collapsed.

    See current pay rises. Prices will come down for leveraged assets but the reason for it isn't a collapse of the banking system or whatever new gold standard nonsense. Just dull rebasing.

  13. 10 minutes ago, clarkey said:

    The trains are a shambles , always on strike or have engineering work unable to provide a 7 day service . Every holiday season there is some issue with the ferries or the planes either at border issues or someone is on strike. Welcome to the modern world

    Took me 4.5hours to get train from Sheffield to London yesterday. Standing most of that way also.

    97 quid.

    Never again


  14. 6 hours ago, spyguy said:

    I don't think  CoL / finsec *do* employ a huge number of people anymore, and haven't since 2007.

    Every year one bit or another gets automated or regulated away.

    Regulation, higher capital and automation are gouging jobs away.

    The flap about London CRE is a sign - and most commercial property us on longish leases. The worst is yet to come.

    The expansion in London finsec, and jobs n incomes, jobs n HPI, starting in 1984ish is long over n rapidly reversing.



    I work in the sector in London.

    This is nonsense.

    Brexit has been bad. But it's still huge. 

    https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn06193/#:~:text=In 2021%2C the financial services,the sector's output was generated.

  15. 14 hours ago, scottbeard said:

    Well the architect is Rishi. Might just be a matter of time when you look at Boris: just have to wait until he isn’t PM any more.

    Perhaps. I fear however as labour and the media were seal clapping give money to anyone tommorow or the world ends they won't enforce.

    The only person with dignity was the lord nominally responsible for the collection of it who resigned stating the whole scheme was a total disgrace 

  16. 10 hours ago, bodgittandscarper said:

    It was truly unpoliced. My own bank advised that I open a business account to claim the BBL as it would be much cheaper than an overdraft.


    I am a BBL fraudster. I lied about my turnover. The difference is that mine will all be paid back...

    Bizarrely I don't blame the "fraudster" in this shit show.

    In the same way someone was chucking charity money out a window, I blame the cretin doing that, not those picking it up from the street.

    The whole scheme was obviously insane from the start to anyone with any experience whatsoever in banking, buisness, counterparty risk etc.

    The only reason the scheme ever existed was as the architect didn't give a monkeys about someone else's money.

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