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The Fool Gammon

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Posts posted by The Fool Gammon

  1. 7 hours ago, ccc said:

    Ah bonjour !!

    I am one also - just found out recently. Tap ah the marning ta ya !!

    I think Gammon is going for the award of most obvious troll ever. They are doing very well so far :lol:

    I have my suspicions .......:D

    What are you talking about? I am my own man. Successful in my own right from my own endeavours. I care about Brexit because it will directly affect my family, especially my children’s futures. I do not care why you voted but I do not want to bring my children up in a closed bigoted country. They deserve better than that. It’s suspicious to me that when you are called out for your obvious lies or misinformation you go quiet only to pop up hungover days later incoherent. Why do you care about forcing Brexit on to people like myself? 

    Last time I checked Gammon is a piece of meat, not a racial term. Deal with it.  

  2. 2 hours ago, disenfranchised said:

    I am English. I think the union is fine only as long as it has majority support, and see nothing wrong with checking that via referendum every so often.

    As for not being able to get into a Brexiters head on this sovereignty thing, I'll try to help - I will start with the top issue driving the vote, immigration. Wasn't my top issue, but I understand the following arguments and concur...

    Polling suggests this was the #1 political issue for Brits from 2001-2016, and 71% felt it was too high. First of all, we had the new Labour reaction, which was to trumpet erroneous statistics on what an economic benefit it was, and call people racists. Didn't make any difference, just made them unpopular. "Bigoted woman" buried Gordon Brown in the 2010 election. The 2010 election was when the "tens of thousands" pledge was first made by Cameron. 

    It could never be delivered in the EU. European human rights law dictates that it cannot be. We 'only' have 94,000 non-EU immigrants on skills based visas a year -  so it sounds plausible, until you learn we have 137,000 non-EU immigrants a year for the purposes of "family reunion", a right largely granted by Europe, which ensures this larger flow of exactly the kind of immigrants many really don't want, unskilled 3rd worlders. We can change certain standards, like the income threshold for spousal visas, but we cannot change the basic premise, nor the ability of lawyers to constantly drag cases right up to the European court on appeal at vast expense. It goes without saying that within the EU Free Market, we also cannot do the slightest thing about the 900,000 Poles who came here during that 15 year period were a very sizable majority wanted lower immigration. 

    So, pooling our sovereignty has really ment preventing democracy from functioning. The people clearly and consistently want something that an independent nation could deliver with ease, it becomes a manifesto pledge (re-stated in 2015), and then it turns out Westminster is incapable of doing it, as they have ceded the rights and powers required to do so. I'm sure the Selfservatives knew that, but they only lie when their lips move.


    So the vote was based on racism and them furreners (six) stealing our shopping aisles. Thanks for confirming. 

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