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House Price Crash Forum


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Posts posted by lulu

  1. Sterling? Unless you pay off the loan with another one taken out in a different currency, I suppose.

    Well that is nice, however will I get paid in sterling, euros or a 'scottish' pound? Who will decide what interest rate I will be paying? I am sure the kind folk at nationwide will be very accommodating....

  2. The banks pulling out is making it pretty real up here, standard life also upping sticks. Lots of question starting to get asked about how independent scotland will be able to back any new bank that is created. Especially if scotland defaults on its share of the uk debt, they would not be able to raise enough money. Think the yes will now be pushed for hard solid answers now..

    They have no answers to give. I have friends in banking and defence who are seriously concerned for their jobs. My own job too is very reliant on English clients, we have competition in England offering similar services and the tone from our clients is very much that they will leave us. After all why should someone in England chose to deal with a 'foreign' (and pointlessly 'chippy' ) country? The English ans the Welsh will support jobs closer to home. Thanks Alex, I will pass my p45 in your direction....

    And I owe about £100k sterling to an English bank, what currency will I be paying that back in?

    What? No definitive answer? Ducking marvellous....

  3. O.K., "game over" may be a little OTT but the can has been kicked down the road yet again, for at least the next 5 years. People only look at the monthly payments and this will aloow them to borrow yet more again (than they could a few months ago) for the same "X amount per month".

    It's all they see, not the total debt they're taking on :wacko:

    That is exactly how things seem to work now. I was recently in a furniture shop and looking at wardrobes, I saw one I liked but told the salesman that it seemed expensive for what it was. I was told not to worry as they would be hhappy to do me a credit deal so it was only x amount per month. They ignored the fact that I was pointing out to them that I thought the cost for the piece of crap they were trying to sell was too high in the first place.

    People are now conditioned to only look at the monthly cost and are blinded to the fact that things are overpriced, and that they are being done. People seem to have no concept of ' value' anymore.

  4. fine is pitiful considering what he was making on the rent.

    It does all seem rather pointless, the fine is less than the rent charged and they still retain the property. Where's the disincentive here to not behave in such a manner?

    These slumlords need to be given a taste of their own medicine and be shat on from a great height, at the very least they should be registered and minimum standards enforced.

  5. they should be warning Ed Milliband and Balls, not Osborne

    To revert back to the playground "well they started it"

    If only a certain G Brown esq. had stuck to his promise 'to keep house prices under control" etc. etc.

    All that money now going to service payments on high house prices could have been driving a proper economy.

    Osbourne and the Tories are idiots for continuing this idiocy.

  6. Having recently moved from a house that was quite close to a Morrisons that I often used for convenience I have now discovered Aldi. I can't believe the difference in price for equal if not better quality.

    I must admit that it is a bit like supermarket sweep at busy times, and packing your groceries is slightly rushed, but for a saving of 30-40% this is something I can deal with. Unless you have more money than you know what to do with I fail to see how people would shop elsewhere.

    I am a Lidl girl but if I still lived close to a Morrisons I would still use them. They claim to have control over their meat supplies which is important to me so I still go back for that when I can even though the store is no longer very handy.

    The main supermarkets need to stop taking the piss out of their customers, I occasionally go to Sainsburys and Tesco if I am passing but their prices are a joke when compared to Aldi/Lidl/B&M etc. I can get almost everything I need from Lidl these days, I wish they would do something about their tills but they have what I need at a sensible price, everyone I have encouraged to go there have been surprised about the experience, both in shop size and also prices. Who needs an aisle of baked beans - as you get in Asda - when most folk buy the same brand anyway?

  7. Some people support their political party like they support their football team.....many of these supporters have never been to a game. ;)

    I know so many of these kind of folks.

    To be fair my parents included - they will vote for the 'blue' ones until the day they die....

    So many people I know blindly vote for the 'red' ones and when I listen to their reasons for doing so it is very obvious that they are old-fashioned Labour voters, my issue comes is that they don't seem to have noticed that the current Labour party no longer represents them. I wish people would vote for what they truly believe in and pay attention to what they party they are voting for stand for. The Lab-Tory monopoly has to end but it never will as long as we have people voting for parties that fundamentally no longer exist. I would rather someone voted for a proper socialist party than continue to vote Labour.

  8. My OH and I are currently in the process of trying to sell our respective houses to move in together and I've lost count of the number of people who've said 'why sell, just rent them out?'.

    Er and then what.....? Never mind the fact that the gap in price bands is so great that we need to realise all of the equity in both houses to stand any chance at all of being able to afford anywhere big enough for our combined families!

    It is almost endemic now, I know so many people who are now renting out their 'first' homes rather than selling them, all good socialists the lot of them....

  9. Its a reasonable point - but to be fair you may well do fine.

    Plenty of dross processed food sells in huge amounts every day in this country. Take those microwave cardboard rustlers for example.

    Lots of people go for the easy option. We do appear to like that in this country.

    I suppose a new build poorly constructed Barrat home is the equivalent 'easy option' in regards to housing as a Rustler microwave burger is to an afternoon snack.

    They both seem to sell very well - however difficult that is to understand or justify.

    Fits in with the stereotypically 'poor' family who I encountered in Morrisons a couple of months ago.

    Complaining that the price of their 'Can't believe its not butter' (or equivalent) had gone up in price by however much (i don't remember) the next time I came across them they were stocking up on those Rustlers burger things. If the 'Great British Public' cannot differentiate between 'proper' food and total expensive over processed and expensive shite then we have no hope.

  10. Deeply ironic. "Tory sleaze" was a handful of insignificant backbenchers taking £1k to ask a planted parliamentary question. Blair by contrast took corruption straight to the heart of government, and from the £1k scale to the £1m scale.

    What they make of Blair in 20+yrs time will be interesting.

    As far as I know the Major government was doing quite ok but were destroyed internally by stupid sleaze stories etc. then we got Tony 'things can only get better' Blair.

    Looking back I would have much preferred another Major term - and so actually would most Labour votes (though most are too brain dead to admit it... even if they ever realised).

    Blair was nothing more than a 'crap' Tory under a 'NuLabour' banner

  11. Can't actually believe this... http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/mar/04/average-small-central-london-flat-36m-2050

    'Cause we all know we can extrapolate a trend 36 years into the future...

    This would be hilarious if it weren't so sad. These people are entrusted with people's hopes, dreams, and hard-earnt.

    Why not, just let the morons get on with it....

    They will either be correct and the price of a loaf of bread be £10,000 (sorry just a quick token estimate of the amount) or they will be totally wrong.....

  12. I don't think that the young realise that their 25% deposit they have saved over the last few years to buy an average house would have bought an average house in 1970 ie the whole house not just provide a deposit with a 75% millstone to add to the 30k student loan debt.

    By the same token I don't think many of the older population quite realise just how expensive housing is compared to when they bought. All they see are low interest rates and perceive that all the young are blowing their money on ipods and mobiles (ok, I admit some of them are but not all - and no different I am sure to the older generation 'wasting' their money on records and flares etc).

  13. 14 Bleak Economic Facts That Will Enrage Every 20-Something

    Here's a link to Buzzfeed:


    In case you are over 30 and wondering, Buzzfeed is what the younger generation use to get news snippets/ summaries and links, and keep up with general internet memes and stuff.

    They have just made a big noise about the fact that they have recently employed journalists to write stories about more "serious" issues like politics and economics. Buzzfeed is currently running at around 85m visits per month!

    The audience is most definitely not the baby boomer generation, and it is striking how different their economic coverage is to the incumbent "mainstream" media.

    It is pensions and housing that are the key. Nothing pisses me off more than a pile of soon to be retirees going on about how they have 'paid in all their lives' and so deserve every freebie that they can get their hands off.

    They do not seem to appreciate they whilst they have of course paid in all their lives, the money they have had spent on them by the state over their live time nowhere near covers anything that they have had back in services.

  14. 'In the interview, Mr Cameron insists it is the right policy to tackle the “broken” housing market which requires young professionals, such as teachers and nurses to provide a £40,000 or £50,000 deposit.'

    Dear Dave,

    The reason they need a £50,000 deposit is because property prices are too high.

    I guess the real reason for the early introduction is SHEER PANIC as you need to prop up the housing market, apparently asking prices in London are FALLING, but not to worry it is due to the weather.


    X-conservative voter

    The best thing Dave could have done was to let the whole thing collapse the day after the Tories (sorry Coalition) got into power. The blame could have been laid squarely on the Labour party and Gordon Brown. Instead what we are getting now is a competition as who can kick the inevitable down the road to the furthest and not be caught in power when the shit hits the fan.

    It is sad and pathetic and ruining our country but I suppose other than selling each other houses we have duck all left

    The Mash had it spot on years ago:


  15. 'Tis interesting, a place just down the road from here (South Queensferry) went on the market a couple of days ago at about 20% over the going rate. Myself and Mrs M scoffed at the ludicrous greed of the sellers/EAs, but within a day it had gone Under Offer.

    So, either people are actually getting whipped up into a buying frenzy by H2B etc, or it's some sort of money laundering scam. Not sure which tbh...

    A friend of mine has just bought in South Queensferry - wouldn't tell me how much they had paid but thought it was a good deal as they are used to London prices....

  16. Yet another blatant attempt to boost house prices!

    So what will be next?

    Nurses, police, fire crew, council workers? Why single out the army? Surely every 'state' employee should be entitled to a loan to help them buy an overpriced house?

    Shame they cannot just put the money into building shit loads of council houses?

  17. I'm hoping the unions ditch New Labour and a new party forms to represent the people of this country. Perhaps they could have a black and white logo.

    Sadly, none of these jokers can help us with the current system.

    I don't think it would make any difference - I work with so many morons who will vote Labour untill the day they die - despite the fact that the party that they think they are voting for no longer exists.

    One of them was bemoaning how the Tories have made it so that their daughter cannot afford a new house. No reminder of who presided over 1997-2007 house price rises could ever possibly alter their thinking.

  18. Solar and clean (er) nuclear is the future.

    Wind farms are unreliable (gearboxes), uneconomical and unattractive.

    Solar rocks (VI).

    For the UK - water is our future - hydroelectric (there must be some suitable locations?) is a fantastic source of energy. I have also just been reading a biography of someone who repeatedly describes their winter heating being provided from a mill on the local river.

    Solar has its place too. Even on cool days my greenhouse seems to overheat very quickly, there must be a way to store this energy for future usage?

  19. I would support this on the presumption that I would hope that these institutions would behave better than the current generation of BTL spivs and chancers. They are far less likely to ever want/need to sell.

    However I think the key to this must be that it should be used as a chance to bring in a new generation of rentals and we pursue the European model of longer term secure tennancies (sp?) and remove the 'get rich quick' aspect that is currently endemic in the property market in the UK.

  20. More than half of Scotland is owned by just 500 people. Mind I doubt England is a lot better



    But most of me just thinks so what? Most of the land is Scotland is not worth a great deal and is not of much use for anything much more than sustaining a few deer and where possible some game shooting.

    It would be just as (if not more) useless if divided equally amongst the population.

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