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About jussomeguy678

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  1. Thanks for all interesting replies, plenty food for thought. However the only takeaway I'm getting for sure is that I (still) see no real alternative in the current circumstances other than to continue buying/holding physical gold & silver but watch markets/media etc like a hawk for signs of - whatever.
  2. 1) If you believe that physical gold/silver will hold its value relative to inflation or even go much higher due to US QE3 & BoE+ ECB policy signals under what circumstances would you be able to cash out into a money system based on rapidly declining value of fiat funny money? This assumes of course that central banksters would never contemplate returning to some kind of gold standard. Even if they did how could you possibly tell how the "cash" value of gold/silver would actually pan out under these circumstances? 2) If PM prices did go crazy (that's if central banks allowed that to happen in the first place) then almost certainly confiscation would become an issue. I suppose you could see it coming if banksters started instructing their puppet media and politicians to demonize holders of physical gold and silver and start talking about the need to curb this "antisocial" activity by introducing some form of confiscation for "the good of the economy". This would have the intended consequence of immediately driving the price through the floor. On the other hand they could just slap it on with absolutely no warning (who or what could or would stop them?). Would really appreciate some genuinely objective thoughts/opinions on these two points. As for me I have been and will for the moment continue to buy physical gold and silver but that's only really because right now it's better than having your "money" in a bank.
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