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Scott Sando

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Everything posted by Scott Sando

  1. I think you should look through the post in context, and see where any attacks started. Actually this is my last post on this site, bye
  2. +1 its called the Normalcy bias, this thread is going to make a great end of term paper for me.
  3. Reactor three the other day was a meltdown with MOX going everywhere, no wonder the 7th fleet got out of there pronto. Well done to the French embassy for removing citizens, as usual the british government are doing nothing, total failure of duty to protect subjects.
  4. Nuclear Disaster ‘Will Have Political Impact as Great as 9/11′ Spiegel March 14, 2011 The nuclear disaster in Fukushima makes it hard to ignore the vulnurabilities of the technology. It could spell the end of nuclear power, German commentators argue on Monday. The government in Berlin may now cave in to mounting pressure to suspend its 12-year extension of reactor lifetimes, they say. The nuclear accident at Japan’s Fukushima plant following Friday’s earthquake and tsunami has led to anxious questions in Germany about the safety of its own nuclear reactors and is putting the government under intense pressure to rethink its decision to extend plant lifetimes by an average of 12 years. German media commentators across the political spectrum are saying the accident in a highly developed nation such as Japan is further evidence that nuclear power isn’t safe. One commentator in the conservative Die Welt went as far as to liken the global impact of the Fukushima explosions to that of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition of conservatives and the pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP) reversed the planned phaseout of the 17 nuclear reactors by 2021, amending a decision taken by a previous center-left government in 2002 to end nuclear power generation in Germany. Full article here Maybe some good can come of this.
  5. The Japanese government admitted to a partial meltdown in the first reactor on the first day of the incident.
  6. the third reactor looks Fu*ked, that will explain the black smoke. But I suppose I shouldn't believe my eye's
  7. I am getting sick of the thought police trying to stop people posting as they see fit, and trying to narrow the threads into areas in which they feel comfortable, all idea's should be shared without some self appointed judge deciding what is or isn't fit for discussion
  8. I admitted from the start that I am speculating, I have a right to do it, not just from one source but many, as all people should. I have a right to an opinion without being insulted by my supposed betters.
  9. Yes, Good observation. People who have made a lot of money, you don't even realise how mental you argument is. My paper is going to get better by the post.
  10. Do you think anybody on here would base a decision on somthing they read on the interweb, stop trying to nanny people they have their own minds.
  11. Whether caused by hydrogen or steam, the explosion at both units was significant and resulted in much damage to the plants' equipment as well as the spent fuel pools. The official story is that these were explosions caused by hydrogen. If so, then that means that there is core damage. By design, any steam or hydrogen in the reactor vessel is vented to the suppression pool or drywell (together they comprise the primary containment), not the reactor building surrounding primary containment. Meaning the reactors must have cracks due to pressure, my guess is reactor three is most damaged
  12. When reactor one exploded, the government offical said the damage was caused by collapse, and he said this while I was watching a film of a explosion.
  13. Keep writing, I've decided to make my end of term psychology dissertation on you. Main topics covered, Nomalcy bias and projection.
  14. What are you here for then. Think you'll get remembered, eh, for your normalcy bias.
  15. I agree with that aswell as I've said all along the japanese government can't deal with a massive refugee crisis right now. It has to lie for the greater good.
  16. Case study in Normalcy bias The normalcy bias refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of the government to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred that it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.
  17. I know, and reactor 2 is empty, try flooding that with sea water and it will blow like a bit"h
  18. Check out the black plume, its totally different to yesterdays explosion. But don't worry this reactor is designed that way.
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