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House Price Crash Forum

The McGlashan

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Posts posted by The McGlashan

  1. Wise words indeed, although I will need to immediately go and look up the definition of Dutch disease. Always a shame when small enterprises go out of businees , however assume that that working there must have been a hoot while it lasted.

    Apparently the word on the street is that Europe is on the way out of recession based on the recent German and Frence data and UK will no doubt be following shortly and the housing market will follow in close proximity. You know what they say 'Lies, Damn Lies and statistics'?

    New to the forum folks and so much in need of enlightenment so any thoughts on where the Aberdeen market goes from here would be much appreciated. Was thinking of jumping in and buying around 2007 but the banks started falling over etc before I splashed the cash. Having read some of the info on here I think I might have have had a close escape.

    Hi Dive Stations, and welcome.

    While the 'noises off' of an inventory-clearing-led (very) marginal improvement in industrial output in France and Germany might offer some small chink light at the end of the tunnel for UK exporters who's primary markets are in the Eurozone, it is difficult for us to see how this will affect the Aberdeen housing market.

    Rather, we might conclude that the Eurozone's 'Social Model' has proven to be a more sensible and resilient economic model than our devil-take-the-hindmost 'Anglo Saxon Model' of casino capitalism. Our Eurozone colleagues might feel vindicated that their manufacturing-based economies may be in better shape that those of the Anglosphere where glum, stern Mervyn announces an acceleration in QE and a worse-than-previously-forecast outlook for our souflee economy.

    Our model has been revealed to provide only a hollow illusion of prosperity which, it has now turned out, was merely borrowing value and wealth from the future all the time. And what's more, the unique and unprecidented monetary and fiscal medicine required to bail out the system consolidates this debt to the future which we all now owe. Yay even unto the nth generation.

    Hirst sums it up with his 'outrage art':

    "For the Love of God"


    Much more apposite to the Aberdeen economy, and therefore house prices, is the breaking news that the financial crisis has reached West Africa, where many of our locally-based oil-service companies generate up to 40% of their revenue.

    If you want to keep up to date with the Aberdeen economy, I suggest you take a look at cashinmattress' posts - he keeps a watching brief on local industry and business news.

    ACSEF recently published their local economic review which you might like to check out here.


    DECC keep a watching brief on the oil industry here:


    Good Luck.

  2. Still doesnt answer the question.

    Will it all end up like star trek where they just abolish money as there was never any reference to paying back the billions that were spent at the start of the 21st century.

    The system of political economy demonstrated in Star Trek is, undoubtedly, post-scarcity communism , with all citizens engaged in a quest for personal improvement through non-monetary enrichment - from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs. (All be it with a worryingly large Department III.)

    It's the 'post-scarcity' thing that's difficult to achieve.

  3. The Hootsman article refers to the Lloyds TSB Scotland House Price Monitor publication.

    It seems that this report has only been made available to the press so far - it does not yet appear on the Lloyds Banking Group website.

    The previous quarter's report is here:



    No sign of the current one... pity, I'd like the opportunity to interpret it for myself.

  4. no argument from me on that score - was just making a general observation about some users that's all (luckily they mainly seem to be restricted to the 'House prices and the economy' forum :lol: )

    on another note another small business goes under


    It is, of course, regrettable that around 15 people (some part-time) should lose their jobs. However, it is clear that very little productive value is actually added by ventures like these. Money changes hands, yes undoubtedly, but these 'activity providers' are simply rent-seeking. (A common enough activity in this 'Dutch Disease' region.)

    It seems that they contribute only 'perceived added value' by cynically exploiting those who gullibly believe that something can only be worthwhile if it is paid for: 'The formal to the real subsumption of leisure under capital'.

    Contrary to the beliefs of the over-urbanised clients of 'outdoor centres' like these - a day out in the countryside can actually cost nothing!

    IMHO, ventures like these form merely the froth on the top of the bubble: at the height of the boom, it is possible to get away with many business models which prove to be unsustainable throughout the entirety of the economic cycle. (Bicycle couriers, for instance, tend to appear at peak bubble only - and are then a forgotten phenomenon until the peak of the next economic cycle - every generation re-invents the bicycle courier for itself.)

    When the tide goes out, we find out who's not wearing any trunks.

  5. I see you are out with your crystal balls again Mystic crutch. Can't wait to see you disappear when your "guesses" don't materialise into facts.

    At least we don't have to put up with your faux bear ramblings any more.

    Crystal balls?

    Crystal meth more like!!


  6. morning all,

    have never bothered to post/register on here before because i really canna be arsed with all the infighting and bitching that seems to go on within these forums...especially all the "i'm righter than thou" brigade... and those people who are actually gleeful that peoples lives are being ruined by taking out mortgages they can no longer afford are complete w*nkers imho... there but for the grace of god goes you and I Etc.....

    anyway rant over..... have been looking to buy (within 20 miles outside of abdn) since 2007, and have been blown out of the water by OO 8 times now... so started to check stats out online and came across this thread last year.

    So here are my stats to say thanks to those people who actually contribute and don't just go around biting ankles.

    taken from aspc for the whole of aberdeenshire (for sale numbers only)



    12/01/09...2116 .........828......... 2945

    18/02/09...2018 .........714 .........2733

    02/03/09...1982 .........692 .........2675

    17/03/09...1969 .........682 .........2652

    19/05/09...1846 .........603 .........2450

    19/06/09...1791 .........569 .........2361

    01/07/09...1780 .........563 .........2344

    07/07/09...1766 .........583 .........2350

    17/07/09...1752 .........586 .........2339

    28/07/09...1741 .........593 .........2355

    10/08/09...1721 .........597 .........2319

    14/08/09...1707 .........579 .........2287

    don't know how much aspc charge for listing properties but their revenue has taken a dive this last year going on these figures

    and one final thing.....



    EEK 50k drop!! (was advertised at 200k yesterday....is this part of rightmoves strategy for claiming hpi even though 3 days ago this was fixed at 270k on aspc??)

    Hiya abdn, and welcome.

    Well done with collecting and collating those stats, looks like a pretty linear decline over this year so far. As you'll see above, I've been listing the 'for sale' and 'for let' stats from ASPC for Aberdeen only for the last couple of months, so it's very helpful that you've looked at the whole 'Aberdeen housing area'.

    WRT your introductory comments, those people who have taken out mortgages they can no longer afford have nothing to blame for their predicament except their own grasping cupidity and gullibility. You say 'there but for the grace of god...', yet you have wisely resisted borrowing more than you can afford.

    You seem to want cheaper houses, as do I. This will, inevitably involve a modicum of misery for the over-extended. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, and you can't make a revolution without breaking heads. I would add that you can't devalue an entire asset class without teaching over-extended arriviste fashion-victim debt-junkies a valuable lesson in old fashioned household economics. I have no sympathy for them - they acted like big-shots on the way up, yet have no concept of what value and wealth-creating enterprise actually is. All the time they were mistaking debt for wealth and price for value.


  7. I don't want prices to crash.

    I do.

    I'm very sick of all the pseud's in Aberdeen mistaking debt for wealth. It's not even as if they're proper arrivistes, they're just mortgage, MEW and credit-card junkies who have mistaken buying a 'lifestyle' for actually having a life. They have mistaken speculation for wealth creation; they have mistaken price for value.

    I want an end to it. I want a return to proper sustainable wealth-creating enterprise. It's about time people knew their place. It's time for some harsh lessons.

  8. This article actually made me laugh out loud.

    Do you remember the black knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail?

    " 'Tis but a scratch! "


    "Come back and fight like a man"

    Honestly. The guy from DM Hall makes himself look like a proper arsehole

    ... in Dundee, ...[the average house price] remains 15.8 per cent lower than a year ago.

    ... while prices in Edinburgh remain 3.5 per cent lower than a year ago

    ... In Aberdeen, prices fell by 7.6 per cent in the last quarter, taking the annual decline to 12.2 per cent,

    with prices across the rest of the north of Scotland 9.2 per cent lower than a year ago.

    But Alasdair Seaton, partner in DM Hall Chartered Surveyors in Dunfermline, believes the market is making a

    steady recovery.

    " 'Tis but a scratch! "

    Really? Did this joker even go to primary school? What a mendacious bastard.

  9. And the future doesn't look particularly rosy.


    Same as previous post, except from Pravda...

    Thousands of jobs 'under threat'

    Where is Hamass McTwat? Surely he has to acknowledge that the economy here is not immune by now, after all, he's been losing money on two properties for almost two years now.

    EDIT: We are actually getting hit harder than the rest of Scotland.

    Downturn hits north east hardest

    thirdeye, cashinmattress,

    The report which these articles reference is here and is quite the most bearish thing I have ever read in relation to the economy of the North East.

    This is in contrast to the usual panglossian stuff that comes out of ACSEF, such as last years risible 'Energetica' pie-in-the-sky nonsense.

    The new economic review document blows the whistle by at last noticing that when the contribution to GVA of oil and gas are excluded, the full Dutch Disease pathology of Aberdeen is confirmed:

    Economic growth in Aberdeen City & Shire has lagged behind the Scottish and UK averages since 1999. Annual GVA growth in the region was lower than the UK for most of the period between 1999 and 2006

    The report includes such eyebrow-raising observations as:

    In output terms, the region is expected to begin to recover from the downturn in 2010. As the recovery will be largely service sector led, the region will experience a weaker upturn than most other regions in Scotland. Over the period 2011–2018, growth is expected to average 2.6% per annum, compared to 2.9% for Scotland and 3.3% for the UK... as the recovery from the current downturn will be largely service sector led, the region will experience a weaker upturn than most other regions in Scotland, meaning that the gap between GVA growth rates in Aberdeen City & Shire and the UK could widen over the next 10 years

    And, as well as forecasting the loss of 11500 jobs over 2009-10, goes on to say:

    the region will not return to its 2008 employment level until after 2018.
    A lost decade for Aberdeen.

    Oh dear.

  10. ASPC For sale

    Today (13 Aug 2009)

    For sale : 1088

    Added in last week : 83 (7.6%)

    Added in last month : 333 (31%)

    Over a month : 755 (69%)

    Large uplift in homes coming on to the market this week, compared with last month.

    compared to last month (14 June 2009)

    For sale : 1103

    Added in last week : 45 (4%)

    Added in last month : 307 (28%)

    Over a month : 796 (72%)

    ASPC for lease

    For lease today : 299

    Added in last week : 25 (8.3%)

    Added in last month : 124 (41%)

    Over a month : 175 (59%)

    compared to last month (14 June 2009)

    For lease: 291

    Added in last week: 28 (9.5%)

    Added in last month: 127 (45%)

    Over a month: 164 (56%)

  11. I posted these new graphs elsewhere. But I reckon they best belong on this 'facts and figures' thread.

    (Apologies for the duplication if anyone's bothered by it.)

    Edinburgh Seasonal Property Market Performance (RoS figures)

    Picture_3.png Picture_4.png Picture_5.png




  12. posted some trolling bullshit

    HPI? Don't make me laugh. When the year-on-year figure is positive, maybe we can talk about inflation.

    Here are some lovely new graphs illustrating the seasonal position in your home town. See if you can identify the trend...

    Picture_3.png Picture_4.png Picture_5.png




  13. What's this forum all about?

    It's so that we feckless people can discuss the fact that we may soon now be able to buy a house, when we don't really deserve it. We made poor choices in life, and we will soon now have the opportunity to catch up with those who were responsible. It's great that we people who are unemployed, underemployed and benefits scroungers, have a forum to pat each other on the back and congratulate ourselves on our poor life choices.

    That's what this forum's all about.

  14. On the very next day that the Crutchster gets outed as a multi ID troll - two new brand new interested parties in the Scotland sub forum appear from nowhere. How unlikely. ;)

    It is not as if new members to this Scotland forum appear all the time. One every few weeks - if that.

    Strange co-incidence. I will try to give the benefit of the doubt. However one has already called someone a 'sock puppet' on another thread.

    The Crutchster could not get much more obvious. :lol:

    Hiya ccc,

    "homes's" use of the term is an attempt to undermine the understood meaning of "sock-puppet" in the context of an internet forum. This user is attempting to re-define the term to mean "muppet", "idiot", etc etc in order to hide their own sockie status.

    btw. I reckon that Crutchie was, himself, a sockpuppet.

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