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Posts posted by benthebuilder

  1. Does anybody else remember when Sainsbury's basics food was so ridiculously cheap, like 8p or 11p per item, that you were fairly sure there must be something wrong with it?

    I noticed today that Sainsbury's basics bananas are up from 95p to £1.09, a rise of 14.7%. No doubt hedonic adjustment in the official figures will take into account the fact that the normal bananas are unchanged and assume that I just switched to those, making the resultant inflation 0%. Next month when the normal bananas rise and the basics stay the same, they will assume I switched back and inflation will stay at 0%. Genius.

    Sorry to be grumpy, I don't like it when people mess with my breakfast.

    Do you have any long term data to support your banana inflation theory?

    Thought not :P

  2. I didn't say junkies, dopeheads is more like it. In my expeerience (half a dozen friends / acquaintances).

    They like the outdoor relaxed lifestyle with no boss, they like the work (it's not just for the money), and they like the opportunity to lie back and smoke a spliff when they want.

    In fact..... where was it again?

    Jobbing gardeners then....not the sort to want to seek work with a professional firm of landscape gardeners.

    And as for your friends and acquaintances I can't see there are many people who want to pay, usually by the hour, some doped up dimwit to lie in their garden smoking weed.

  3. Bit of a sweeping statement. There are still some manufacturing jobs that demand skills that the UK can do. Give them the tax incentives to come to the UK etc. etc. In other words think outside the freakin box for once-trust me the Indians and the Chinese will be thinking about it-as the Japanese car makers did not long ago. Why did they build in the UK when they could have built in Mexico a damn sight cheaper? Just time for different mindsets-in fact imperative that there is, as it's now or never. Brown is a bozo but he is correct on this one. WE NEED CAPITAL.

    Surely if it comes to capital, why can't brown just print some and we'll all have some good home grown, blue-sky, out of the box thinking and we'll be a major world industrial power in no time.

    There is tons of capital around...just no will to invest it in a nation of burberry wearing football hooligans. :P

  4. Just now on BBC Radio 5 they were saying that Brown is going to make a pseech today about allowing many thousands of Indian and Chinese firms to find it easier to set up in the UK?

    Isn't that a bit rich? Isn't one of the huge problems we have is that so many UK jobs have been outsourced to foreign firms?

    How can this help the UK - is this just more Labour social engineering to bring in cheap foreign workers who undercut UK workers whilst paying little or no tax?

    Just because Brown is going to make a speech saying he'll make it easier for Indian and Chinese firms to set up over here doesn't mean that any of them will want to. If you were Indian or Chinese would this offer appeal to you? What kind of businesses anyway? Manufacturing of any kind? I can't see it myself. The cost of doing business here can't compare with the savings they can make at home.

  5. Dont the doomsters on here ever get embarrased about being this guy?

    Lets face it. If you were all shorting the market based on your apocalyptic predictions down the years youd be in the poorhouse by now.

    In 2003, having bought a house a couple of years previous to that, I used to look at this site and get oh so worried. I guess this site attracts the sandwich board fraternity but come on.... six years later and were still doomed but not doomed till next year???

    Funny how the people who laugh at us and call us doom mongerers are the ones who moan that the price of food and fuel has gone up or have lost their overtime/job or are the ones who are earning no interest on their savings. But they don't care...X-factor is on tonight and you can get 24 cans of stella in asda for twelve quid.

  6. Retail has become a UK pastime, a hobby. When once people read and talked now they troop round the shops wondering what acquisition will make them more like the celebrity they worship or how it will make their friends jealous and themselves feel a better person.

    It is now habit to walk around the shopping centre regardless of whether the money is yours outright (not much chance), credit money (probably unsecured nowadays) and most likely given retails sales are not bouncing back despite record low IRs, folk have no money and now very ironically now recreate George A. Romero’s Zombie Flesh eaters in the mall.

    +1 Cannot believe how busy places like the Trafford Centre are all the time. Had no option but to go last Friday night cos I forgot my mums 60th, and the place was absolutely rammed.

    When did people stop going for walks, or to the park with their kids in favour of dragging them round a collection of shops spending fortunes on plastic chinese chocolate fondue fountains in the hope it will make there empty, pointless lives that bit more tolerable.

    When did peoples priorities get so fooked?

  7. I really fail to see how it will be better if we have a change of government. Firstly we don't know what Tory policy holds, as they haven't told anyone (oh, apart from being out of Europe, and that will be disastrous, so not a good start there). Secondly, our economy is suffering more than most precisely because we depend so much on the banking sector. A historical accident of our Empire days, perhaps, but to continue to try to hang on to this as it continues to make us 'a global player' is doing much to harm the rest of the economy.

    The world continues to change rapidly, and we need to respond. The Labour mantra of Education, Education, Education still holds. However, that will only have a result probably 15 years after any policy change is introduced, so there is little motivation for pragmatic politicians to respond to this. However, what really needs to happen, for the benefit of the current school children, and thus for the country down the line, is to make commitments such as reducing class sizes to, say, a maximum of 10; to interlocking schools much more tightly with emerging industries such as the technology and Internet-based industries; and changing the educational qualifications system to ensure those who don't thrive on academic-based O and A levels can still get what they need out of it.

    An improved education system demands more investment, which in turn demands more tax. So we should -- must -- pay more in tax, and that has to be in direct taxation to make it fair. As we have a system of taxation that has been geared to winning elections, not improving the economy, the middle classes, whom inhabit the few marginal seats, have been given sweeteners by loading tax on the lower paid. That is disgraceful, was begun by Thatcher, and needs to end.

    There is much that is wrong with this country, but do not think that a Tory government will solve it. We, the people, need to tell the politicians we must have a change. If we only think of our pockets, and our self interest, a trend that has been increasing over the last 30 years, then this country will get what it deserves.

    When you go to the balot box next year (if you can be bothered) then you can choose between the **** you attitude, or the I want to do best for my country attitude. If you can't even be bothered to vote, your opininon does not even matter. There is no other mechanism to implement policy -- so make sure you get out and vote.

    What a load of tripe. Class sizes shrunk to 10? How much bloody tax do you want to pay?

    And that social conscience of yours, that makes you do the best for your country, must make you feel all warm inside.

    Nu labour employed (primary) school teacher I reckon.

  8. Met up with an old friend last night who is a partner in a small specialised design and manufacturing firm in the Home Counties. They've been going for a number of years, have a steady client base and have been doing pretty well so far - until recently. Major promised orders have failed to materialise, customers are taking longer and longer to pay invoices and new customers have declined to near-zero. Their lead time from first serious discussion with a customer to cash in the bank is about six months and they have enough cash to last them four months. They are actively planning for bankruptcy in February if something doesn't turn up and it seems they're not alone. He said that suddenly he's hearing stories from all quarters - employees, business acquaintances, friends and friends of friends - about people who've overstretched themselves and can't cope with their debts any more. Redundancy is usually being followed by a long period of unemployment (people who've been looking for a job for a year are becoming increasingly common) and more and more toys and fripperies are being sold off - the cars, the motorbikes, the jetskis, the boats, the weekend cottages, everything but everything is being flogged off to try and pull some cash in to service people's debts. He said that the change has been really noticeable and very sudden - over the last few weeks, almost.

    Green shoots my fat bottom, Gordon.

    My phone has stopped ringing with orders of any real value in the last 2 months. Getting by on bits and pieces, couple of days paving, few days fencing, the odd garden wall etc. Work of any real size and value is not out there. The equity release brigade who've kept the home improvement binge going for so long are just not out there anymore. The work that is out there is being done by people who are getting screwed into the ground on price...there are guys that are saying they are "pulled out" but these are a very small group and usually bosses of firms that were employing 5/6 lads 2 years ago and may be now working on their own.

    I'm using the downtime to reduce my handicap while the sun shines, so it aint all bad.

  9. No. I know people involved in making and building things and none of them feel it necessary to act like cocky tw@ts while doing their trade, and none feel it necessary to expect tea while working.

    People probably would not think they were a cut above you if you didnt call them 'mush' and didnt behave like a cowboy, with your stupid ringtones, blase attitude to requests and your superiority complex.

    A little humility never hurt anyone. If i go to someones house, i take my shoes off and treat their space with respect. If they ask me to make less noise i do, because it's their house and it's their rules.

    If you dont like the lack of tea and laying down of ground rules, then i suggest you go to ireland and work in the building trade there....

    ...oh wait (coming soon to a country near you :( * ).

    * :lol:

    Funny you know all these people who are involved in making and building things but 90% of the people involoved in that sort of work are retards????

    And I don't think health and safety be too happy with me walking round in my socks and try as I might, I can't find a demolition hammer that runs silently.

    And I rarely have customers who don't get the kettle on...only tight little gimps like you.

    And I don't have a silly ringtone....keep it on silent cos your mamma and your wife are always pestering me to come round.

    Think you really need to think carefully about your dislike for people in the building trade...your distaste must really show and that's why you keep getting bad jobs.

  10. I think we would all agree on one thing. Never get a "mate" to do any job. He always ends up an ex-mate.

    Dead right.... one of my mates mithered with me to lift some flags in his back garden and relay them as patio nearer the house and turf the remaining area. Asked him to get a couple up to tell me what was underneath. He rang me back and said just a bit of sand. Gave him a "mates rates" price and said i'd go and do it on the monday and guess what....flags laid on solid concrete barring three on the edge that had been added later...two of which he'd lifted. Told him we now needed a skip and it was gonna take longer and cost a bit more...tho I was still doing it for £70 a day...he went fookin mental said how could i try rippin him off. Told him to stick it and walked off the job. Another lesson learned.

  11. Ahh...white van man humour. Perhaps for one day you could attempt to be a professional craftsman, and stop with the continual stand up routines and call people by their name or 'sir' and not 'sunshine'? You would probably find people more amenable towards you.

    Which century do you live in mush? You really do think you are a cut above the tradesman don't you. Professional craftsmen call people sir and have no sense of humour. You're a living breathing episode of upstairs downstairs aint ya.

    You have made a few judgements about my work/business ethic based on a few of my responses to your shitty attitude to tradesmen on an anonymous website ( I'd like to see you voicing your opinions down the pub).

    Reckon the dunces hat in your avatar has some significance somewhere.

    Maybe mummy made you wear it when you blocked the toilet.

  12. cheers ben

    this thread has been a good read.agree 100% with what you say.

    im a gas fitter, i wonder how many people software writers have killed by not doing there job right eh.

    Damn right...glad to say that I've never really had any real problems like the guy in the OP. Got taken for a grand about 5 years ago working for a friend of a friend, nothing in writing regarding the extras.....taught me a lesson. Not bad really for 10 years of self employment.

  13. And how many people do you think wipe their **** on the mug before they serve it to you with a smile?

    Think about it.

    Very very few I would have thought. Would take a fairly damaged individual to even think about doing something like that.

    Think about that.

    Really don't like builders do we sunshine? mummy run off with one or something? .....maybe your therapist can help you with that whilst dealing with your soiling peoples cups fetish.

  14. What an advert you are to trademen everywhere. The exact cocky, 'you owe me a living' attitude i was talking about.

    If you want tea, do what i have to do and take a flask to work.

    And how long is a flask gonna last? Until about 10 o'clock the rate at which I sup em.

    Much better I can get your missus to make it for me whilst wearing her skimpy nightie :lol:

  15. It takes all sorts...I have moved household furniture for nigh on 25 years and there are great people around...there are also some very paranoid defensive people who think all tradesmen are out to "rip you off"....

    These people often get more done than for them than their money pays for,but are still never quite satisfied..it`s their nature and nothing will change them

    I can usually tell if a job will be a good one after the first half hour or so...A cup of tea works miracles,and breaks down barriers.....The worst types are ones who havent the foggiest idea how difficult it can be to run a business and come to the table with a mindset they have no real say..so do nothing but create an atmosphere of defense..often people of intelligence but no common sense....

    A tradesman should be good at his job but also have a degree in diplomacy....it`s this diplomacy that will get him reccommended,time and again.

    Thank God for people who are open minded and friendly from the outset....if they ask politely if we can move an extra item and how much it will be............I will do it for nothing! If they expect me to throw on more because there is so much space left in the truck....its gonna be another fifty quid...

    All it takes is honesty and meaning what you say and saying what you mean....the problem is words are a poor form of communication.. (for some)

    edit : (for some)

    Plenty of extra littlejobs I'll do for nothing...gratis...free of charge "whilst i'm here"...point this bit ...straighten that fencing....re-lay that wonky flag,if and only if the customer has done the brews and been pleasant about it. Otherwise its an extra charge i'm afraid. Gotta be a two way thing.

    Biggest pain in the **** for me gotta be clients filling the skip with junk out of their garden/garage and thinking it's their private dump. Skips get priced in on a job just like materials so when a maxi skip gets half filled with old carpet and kids bikes it costs me £80. You should see the reaction you get when you try charging extra for that one.

  16. A fantastic attitude you have to the people who pay your wages and what a brilliant advert to your profession you are. It doesn't matter if 100% of your customers are "piss taking retards" - they are your customers, you know, the people what put a roof over your head. Suck it up - it is part of the job. You are not entitled to shit, let alone endless cups of tea. Or perhaps you think builders are the only ones who have to deal with arsey, demanding customers. Here's a newsflash - you aren't. If you don't like it, do some training and get another job. No-one put a gun to your head, stop ******ing moaning and get on with putting up my shelves, there's a good lad.

    Read the arsey post I was replying to dickwad....and put up your own fookin shelves...never in my life have i been asked to put up shelves. Maybe you don't understand the word "builder"......think you're mistaking it for "back of the local paper handyman".

  17. At a rough guess id say that 90% of all the tradesmen i have ever dealt with have been cocky, piss taking, cowboy-esque retards.

    No wonder there are so many disputes. It would be nice if they hoovered up their mess once in a while.

    At a rough guess I'd say 90% of all the customers I deal with are cocky, piss taking retards who think they know all about the building trade because they watch tommy walsh diy shows and grand designs.

    And hoover up your own mess once in a while....and keep your kids out of our way(we don't like them, no matter how much we pretend we do)......and brew up more than once a day.....and no, we can't keep the noise down, we don't give a sh1t you've been on nights!

  18. "my brickie sent his semi pro bodybuilder son round to take the walls down..... - my sparky, plumber, plasterer, gardener and groundworks guy also have identical stories about working and not getting paid or being offered a lot less once the job's nearly done - none of them will take the work now - they just quote in the stratosphere so they don't get it."

    Don't even waste my time going round to quote it.

    Had one who even told me on the phone his name was Rossi and that he was italian so I asked his neighbour on the way out.....who pi55ed himself laughing.

    Wait for the "are you 2 in the BNP?" posts to start. :lol:

  19. Depending on where you are in the country, there's another group of people who also regularly try to do tradesmen over on price after they have started work - but it's not PC to mention them, innit.

    Yes...and most of the lads I know won't even quote for that "group of people". Not worth the bother.

    Most lads all have the same story...gave them the benefit of the doubt....and lived to regret it!

  20. You, Sir, are what's known in the trade as a ' c0ck '



    I manage to leave many people happy with a job without any "contracts manager" or "clients representative"and I'm not a "cowboy".

    These two parties should have got there heads together before now using mediation services if necessary....5 years is way too long to leave it

    And what the fook was a police helicopter doing there?

    Worked for women like that myself...the sort who want the work done like magic without any dirty foul mouthed builders being around. And they always try and get their husbands to shaft you over made up complaints.

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