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Posts posted by Damik

  1. Some reminders of Putin the Fascist previous actions and why 9000+ Ukrainians died:


    Russian state television has provoked a storm of criticism after it aired an uncorroborated report claiming that the Ukrainian army publicly nailed a three-year-old boy to a board in a former rebel stronghold.


    Russian official rhetoric often compares events in Ukraine to Nazi Germany and calls the pro-Western Kiev government a "fascist junta".

  2. getting the first signs, but the real London property bust will be another few months yet.

    i especially like the overseas buyers telling developers 'you can keep the £2000 deposit, come after us in foreign courts'. Thats pretty sweet!

    it was always going to happen that way, a mental bubble leveraging its way past the sky, the cloud, the atmosphere, the moon etc. now its just nicely going to turn around and do exactly the same in the other direction.

    the overshoot past fair value will be pretty incredible, this is going to be brutal on all the debt heads, and they deserve it.

    The 40% HTB is required just so that many FTB can buy when prices are 70%-80% down, its supposed to be a safety net for the banks. most FTB on average wages just cant enter the market at required volumes otherwise.

    The last LR data were disappointing. Kensington & Chelsea a bit up. Hackney flat. The PCL market stagnation/flatness is very disappointing ...

  3. Cult of Personality is subjective. In 2008/9, Obama looked to be like a personality cult. In their respective circles, so are Farage and Corbyn.

    Single Party System. Nope. You can cherry pick your "99%" 'rigged' votes all you want. Nationwide, that isnt the case. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_presidential_election,_2012

    Militarism: Nope. Russia spends less on the military than the US, for starters. They have invaded far fewer nations than the US or UK since 1991. Only Russia has been invited into Syria.

    Controlled Mass Media...exists here on TV and papers. Russia has the internet, so it matters not.

    Obsession with national security. Not sure how that is specifically fascistic. Given the hostilities towards westerners, i'd like a bit more national security when it comes to border control. OTOH the UK is the most spied upon nation on earth. The germans and french are pissed at americans spying on them, not Russians.

    Disdain for intellectuals and the arts. Again, this just reeks of bias. The intellectual class is largely parasitic. Complaining and offering no solutions beyond 'socialism'. Not sure what Putin has upset you about 'the arts' Its not like they are blowing up "un-russian" artifacts and buildings like the Saudis (actual totalitarianism) are doing with ottoman era historical sites.

    Religion and government joined. Again, Queen is head of state and head of the CoE. Sometimes its just a legal peculiarity. Not some conspiracy. And given your laughable list ticks USSR for that, im guessing they define religion as 'anything we decide fits with our bonkers narrative'

    Rampant Corruption: Thats everywhere. Just in the west we legalize it. 'Money counterfeiting' becomes 'banking licenses' Desecration of property rights becomes 'planning framwork and compulsory purchase/eminent domain'

    Fraudulent elections. Again. Russia has no more of this than the rest of the west.

    Another Putin the Fascist slave here ... :(:(:(

  4. What are the best friends of Putin the Fascist doing in their spare time ???


    UN investigators accuse Damascus of 'exterminating' prisoners

    Prisoners in Syrian jails are being tortured and killed with "total impunity," UN investigators said while presenting a new report. The UN commission called for targeted sanctions against high-ranking regime officials.

  5. Fascist is just a word. If authoritarianism is the divisor, all leaders are to some extent. Singling out Putin seems peculiar. Repression of the kind that would worry me, in this age of easily available information, would be deadly and omnipresent. It would have to be. That is not how things are in Russia.

    Putin is a Fascist dictator. The evidence is clear:



  6. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Now I know you are trolling. There is a difference between 'did not' (or do not) ie now, and 'could not' ie then.

    How the Stalin's and Putin's Fascism has anything to do with me not being British ??? One would even argue that the local experience is superior to a remote one ...

  7. Like I said, if things were that bad, people would be leaving Russia in their millions. They arent. What little emigration there is is due to central asian guestworkers returning home.

    Yes, their economy is contracting. But we cant gloat. The last ten years in the UK has seen purchasing power decline. Putin can't do much about the global commodities and oil crash, now can he.

    Russians did not leave Soviet Fascist Russia either. And Stalin was also winning elections with 99% like the Putin the Fascist ...

  8. By being very popular with the electorate...


    Unless the USA is not a "modern, low crime, prosperous and free country"

    Another Putin's Fascist here ... helping to destroy Russian people and their economy ...

    Polish, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Romanians and now even Ukrainians are laughing loud at Putin Fascist slaves ... :lol::lol::lol:

    Ruble Jan2016.png


  9. I don't know what drives your personal vendetta against Putin, but he has transformed Russia into a modern, low crime, improved health first world economy. Yes, there are democratic concerns, but no more than your typical Labour controlled inner city ward in the UK.

    Let me remind you once again: Yes, Putin the Fascist is so popular that 99.47% of Chechens voted for the Little Kremlin Swine in last national elections. After Russians killed there 150k of Chechens.

    Why don't you share with us how do you achieve 99.47% election result without extensive physical elimination of any kind of political opposition???

    Why don't you share with us any other modern, low crime, prosperous and free country, where the leaders achieve 99% election results???

    So far all the historical evidence points only to various Soviet, Nazi and Feudal dictatorships ...

  10. As far as I can tell, Damik appears to be working for the Ukrainian government. Possibly in one of their media/propaganda departments.

    Yes, I am sure that the whole Ukraine government is concerned about the HPC.co.uk. The most influential British newspaper of all times ...

  11. Don't believe the lies. If life in Putins Russia was so bad, there would be mass emigrations. Thats what CIA stooges in the MSM have been trying to tell us, but the true figures tell a different story. The fact is, far more people are leaving the parts of the EU the ECB has hung out to dry. Italy, Greece, Spain. While Putin is rebuilding Russia into a top three power, the EU and ECB are turning Europe into a place where the qualified leave and/or get concentrated into a few city states like London, the regions being filled with 3rd world 'refugees' of dubious intent.

    But facts are facts, and Vladislav Inozemtsev’s figure of 400,000 Russian net emigrants in 2015 are in the realm of pure fantasy. Russia’s total migration balance remains positive (whether that in itself is a good or bad thing is a debate for another day), so its number of net emigrants is actually negative. Even assuming this was a simple definitional mistake, I do not even see how he could have arrived at a total emigration figure of 400,000 even going by official statistics – the great bulk of which, lest we not forget, now essentially consist of tallying back-and-forth movements between Russia and its neighbors in Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.


    Yes, Putin the Fascist is so popular that 99.47% of Chechens voted for the Little Kremlin Swine in last national elections. After Russians killed there 150k of Chechens.

    And even in Moscow it takes just 30 seconds to be picked up by the special police units; even you are an old lady. Stalin and Hitler would be proud ...

  12. I am sure that Russians are impressed by Putin the Fascist taking their food and selling it abroad ...


    Ordinary Russians suffered acutely in the downturn, with real wages dropping 9.5 percent and a 7.4 percent rise in unemployment, according to the preliminary numbers for 2015 given by the State Statistics Service. Retail sales collapsed 10 percent as spending power declined, while capital investment in the economy fell by 8.4 percent.


    Inflation, which hit 10.2 percent last year, has been exacerbated by the Kremlin’s food import embargo in retaliation against Western sanctions. Some of the food products that increased the most in price last year were garlic (a 75.3 percent increase), peppercorns (65.6 percent) and oranges (47.6 percent).

  13. Give it up, Damik.

    Most of your coup government mob are history.

    Even the IMF don't want to waste any more money on them.


    BTW do you know that Lenin killed somewhere between 2 to 3 million people??? But you do not care as you are just a same pathetic Fascist as Putin, Stalin, Lenin or Hitler ...

  14. Give it up, Damik.

    Most of your coup government mob are history.

    Even the IMF don't want to waste any more money on them.


    Let's see where is Putin the Fascist by the end of 2016 when he runs out of oil $. Zimbabwean money printing is coming to Russia hard and fast ...

  15. Ukraine teeters a few steps from chaos

    Calls are also increasing to replace Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, which could trigger early elections and further instability. Mr Yatsenyuk has become a focus of corruption allegations, though he denies the claims, and no concrete evidence has emerged.


    Perhaps you missed that democratic countries from time to time through even their PMs or Presidents to jail. Such as Israel or Portugal.

    Not like Putin's Fasciststan where even killers are untouchable ...


  16. How is Putin the Fascist going to win in Syria??? By killing all Syrian's Sunnies, only 80% of Syrian population ...

    Putin's propaganda machine celebrates total destruction of densely populated Syrian cities ...

    I am sure that after Putin's victory in Syria again 99.47% of population will vote for any Putin's puppet the Little Fascist is going to choose .. Like in Chechnya ... or North Georgia ... or East Ukraine ... always over 99% ...

  17. Damik, I can only hope this catches on quick...this insanity has got to end.

    Look at this graph, it's just mental


    no wonder they wont/cant raise interest rates until they are forced to.

    We are either being governed by idiots or corrupt thieves.

    Just look how insane that graph looks.

    I do not understand that Prime London is down 15% already but there is still no panic and fear. And rest of London is still going up. In 2007 it was almost instantaneous fall. Now the PCL is holding 3rd year like it is going to stay flat for ever ...

    And there have been so many economic shocks in last 12 months. It is getting ridiculous ...

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