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Posts posted by tahoma

  1. Oh, do grow up. ... 'see this site as a threat to this sentiment'. You'd need one of those scales that measure down to a thousandth of a gram to measure the effect this site will have on housing market sentiment. I've mentioned delusion a few times now to describe this site and its posters. You are, without doubt, the most deluded.

    What effect do you think this site is having on 'that sentiment'?

    Not much. Posters here regularly admit with humour that we are seen as crackpots.

    But we still have not addressed the central issue: if this site is so irrelevant and contrary to your beliefs, why do you bother posting here?

  2. I think the reason I am probably hovering on here is that it seems to me that you lot ought to stop believing in dreams of a house price crash.

    That's awfully kind of you. I suppose you found this site by accident, and joined and post because you are so concerned about us poor deluded souls.

    Or is it because you know the only thing keeping this joke market from popping and stopping your fat little commissions is irrational exuberance, and you see this site as a threat to that sentiment?

  3. IO mortgages are great if used properly. Terrible if abused.

    How is it possible to use an IO 'properly' in the current market? Capital gains from a recent purchase are unlikely, and massive losses increasingly possible.

    So where is the sense? People are using them because it makes their mortgage 'cheaper', and they get to 'own' that house.

  4. Has anyone else noticed this ?

    Looking down the Classified adverts in the Express and Star (Midlands Regional "quality" evening newspaper), I've detected a significant change in the adverts under the "Property" heading.

    A year ago, these were full of private sales or EAs pleading for "more properties" in the area.

    Same column today contains 10 large adverts occupying about 1/3 of the page. Every single one has the same message "I/We'll buy your house fast - for cash- no questions - debt cleared" or "Are you beign repossesed? we'll buy your house from you, no quesions, and rent it back to you."

    Great init ? Anyone still think the economy and housing market are in good shape ? You just haven't woken up to the change in sentiment yet...

    An extension of the loans/litigation culture in daytime TV ads of the last three years.

    Thin end of the wedge...

  5. This will probaby sound naive, but we have a nuclear fireball soaking us with energy once a day. Plus a moon greating vast gravitational and tidal forces. Plus wind. Plus hydroelectric. Plus ethanol-via-sugarcane. Plus whatever-is-invented-once-oil-hegemony-is-overcome.

    If we can't meet our energy needs from this lot, we deserve everything we get. We need to develop energy sources beyond sticking a straw in the politically-unstable desert and expecting combustible fossilised liquid to spurt out.

  6. I am watching 'Spendaholics' which seems to be occupied by crazy party-boys with crazy asymmetrical hairdos who apparently do not understand the value of money. The question is, are they the exception or the norm?

    Walking around, the world seems full of them with their crazy stripy flourescent tops and crazy spend-now-pay-never attitude. They need those crazy shoes. They had to have them.

    Are they the ultimate manifestation of Blair's Britain? Or am I just getting old (35 next month, oops).

    I won't be counting on them to pay my pension. I know, I'll buy a BTL flat, property never goes down after all.

  7. Is it just me, or are properties in this series of Grand Designs just the Emperor's New Clothes?

    There are some in past series that have impressed me, such as the Woodsman's Cottage, but recently they are just over-priced tat dressed as desirability.

    It reminds me of a bit from 'Absolutely Fabulous'. Patsy is showing people around her stark, white 60's 'ultra modern' living area with chrome dangly bits etc. She proclaims in a grandiose manner: "We feel it's progressive".

    Properties on GD seem 'progressive' too. Providing you don't want to pay for them or live in them.

  8. When the Iranian president withdraws his comments about wiping Israel off the map, then we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

    Well, Israel wiped Palestine off the map. In actuality. Maybe some karma is required?

    It is not illegal to say something should happen. Nor does any country have the right to demand recognition.

  9. As the missiles fly overhead we can sip our G&Ts and laughingly agree that it was fun while it lasted.

    RichM, it's lasted for about 60 years. It's time fo the world to move on from a bunch of basket-case nations influencing world opinion far beyond their relevance. If they want to slaughter each other, let 'em.

    The Outer Hebrides has more importance to me that Israel. Who wants to argue?

    I already regret asking this.

  10. I will acknowledge one thing that you did get right. I am scared.

    House prices will the last of our worries if some of these wacko Wahhabi types ever gets its paws on an A-bomb.

    The biggest ****-up of the Iraq war has been the discrediting of the WMD rationale for war. If a nation has a nuke and is happy to use it, then... are you really saying that pre-emptive action should always be ruled out?

    You've told me your fear, I'll tell you mine. It's Israel, with a giant shot of self-righteousness circa 1939-45, starting nuke-tastic WWIII because they are 'determined' there will not be another 'holocaust'.

    There. Are we equal? I don't care if we are or not by the way, just so long as we both get to continue living.

  11. I think you're a lovely, beautiful person Tahoma. You're a dove. I have plenty of friends just like you, and they're lovely too. They're doves as well.

    Oh, RichM.

    I read over my responses, and I feel genuine remorse if - and I know I have - been aggressive and rude.

    But please, please, please understand how aggressive your world view is. The world is full of people. And most of them do not share your views or skin colour or religion.

    However, under the popular definitions of 'Democracy' this does not give you the right to judge them. Until - until - they actually attack us, they are free to act as they will.

    I hope you agree. No, really.

  12. If I'm a Nazi then you're Chamberlain... You didn't come out with any criteria for armed intervention in the end.

    Armed intervention = proportionate response to direct action by symmetric forces. And I won't get involved in semantic games by the like of you.

    Sometimes I wish us Brits were more like the Swiss...

    At his rate, they'll be a British Civil War, before the Yanks manage to get round to bombing Iran.

    I apologise whoops. I equate my previous posts to Martin Luther hammering stuff on church doors.

    I just despise mysticists.

  13. Nice one Tahoma.

    Because I am concerned about some genuine terrorists getting hold of nukes, I am the same as them.

    What about my faith? What polemic? My point was I have beliefs that are important to me, you have beliefs that are important to you, the Iranian president has beliefs that are important to him. Except that the current Iranian presidents' beliefs allow him to exterminate millions, and that his idea of being a martyr involves the killing of others. Nice equivalence that, isn't it?

    Iran has supplied terrorists all over the world. What makes you think they'll stop once they get their hands on nukes?

    And what exactly is so wrong about armed intervention anyway? I assume you are pleased that Rwanda happened then? That Saddam Hussein killed as many Kurds as he did?

    Come on, how many innocents do we allow to suffer before any kind of intervention is acceptable. I'd like to know what your criteria are.

    No problem, here are my criteria.

    "Because I am concerned about some genuine terrorists getting hold of nukes, I am the same as them."

    Iran does not have nukes. They have not shot down an airliner under a flimsy pretext that they thought they were under attack.

    Your faith is important to you? Oh, and I suppose a suicide bomber's faith is not imortant to them. Coin. Sides. Think.

    "My point was I have beliefs that are important to me, you have beliefs that are important to you, the Iranian president has beliefs that are important to him. Except that the current Iranian presidents' beliefs allow him to exterminate millions, and that his idea of being a martyr involves the killing of others. Nice equivalence that, isn't it?"

    Except the Iranians have not exterminated millions.

    Classic anti-logic - I feel threatened - therefore I can kill people! You would love this book. No, really. Forget Janet and John, it's a thumping good read.

    "And what exactly is so wrong about armed intervention anyway?" - ????!?!?!

    "Come on, how many innocents do we allow to suffer before any kind of intervention is acceptable."

    If you cannot see the deep, deep irony in that statement then I give up.

    Actually, I can summarise my previous post.

    Shut up you pitiful f*cking god-squadder. Leave the decision making to people who were not lonely and girlfriend-less at school.

    But then - you were not lonely were you? No, you had probably found like-minded t*rds like you by then.

    And you found... validation! Yes!

    Mod - please, please, please move this off-topic. Spare us.

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