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Posts posted by Debbiebegood

  1. My link

    Nice little earner for ASDA.

    +1 Spot on.They DO get a nice cut from these food voucher schemes.

    Taxpayer is on the hook again,even though Gov always says that these schemes save the taxpayer's money.

    It is always the same: Gov creates the "problem", and then "finds clever solution" to the "problem".

    This solution always involves some private company that lobbied corrupted Gov officials/political parties.:angry:

  2. Brillianr, make sure you send it :D

    Well, actually all of us HPCers should send it to Osbourne.

    He is very obviously determined to buy votes at the next election with the taxpayer's money which he throws around on this FLS,Help to buy,QE,...etc.

    Maybe the reverse psychology will work,even though I do not think so.At least, we put our point across.

  3. I was thinking of writing to Osbourne the other day, but along these lines:

    Dear Mr Osbourne,

    I am very pleased that you are helping the mortgage market.

    I will definitely vote Conservative once I get my new home underwritten and subsidised by the Government taxpayer to the tune of 95% of the value.(20% directly from the Government,75% indirectly by the Government through the back door to the Bank through 0.25% interest rate thanks to FLS.)

    I could not afford the house before,because all the banks thought I was a very high risk since it took me 8 years to save for a 5% deposit.

    Fingers crossed, and I will (thanks to my ever-growing house equity) be able now to save in only one year 4.something% interest rate on my new founded funded mortgage.

    I felt like a loser,but thanks to you, I feel like am a winner.

    They also told me that I am an idiot and lunatic dreaming of getting with 5% deposit on the ladder, but evidently the idiot and lunatic (myself) was absolutely spot on.

    I look forward boasting to all my friends that I am now on the property ladder, and that my non-existent initial equity will grow and grow...and continue growing.

    Eventually, I will in a few years move into one of those £600k houses with which Government happily subsidises the big house-builders.

    (Thanks God for them, otherwise no economy will be in the UK,nobody would be able to build their own house, and nobody in the UK would be able boost exports and invest in knowledge and skills like main big house-builders. Other countries do not have their own cherished big house builders but UK does, and Government helps them.Thanks God again.)

    To those jealous and evil people who are saying that your yet another lending scheme helps only banks and big house-builders and damages the taxpayer, I'd say:

    You should also get on the property ladder,or ... buzz off from my horizon.

    Please Mr Osbourne, continue QEing, funning for lending,help a hand ... or whatever the name.Please continue without any thought propping up the house prices, hence I can enjoy my prosperous and equity ever-growing home ownership.

    Bring it on,please! If it is so great, why stop at this level? UK needs at least £150bn every few months for the housing market.

    And those work-shy benefit scroungers and shriekers, they should be thrown out of their homes (if they do not work hard and get the mortgage like myself).They should be made to remain out there hungry and in the cold until they succumb and finally apply for the same mortgage as I did.

    That way we will all have mortgages with rising equities, thus UK economy is on the mend.

    Also, please close done business and economy Universities.They produce useless degrees.

    You and me and Gordon Brown - we know the truth: High house prices boost the UK economy.The higher the price,the better.

    Until the next funding-lending-helping scheme through which Government taxpayer guarantees the builders that they will sell their product (shoe box house/flat) by enticing the customers to buy and funding those same customers for builders at the bloated price builders want.

    But I do not care that you might be helping builders and banksters.

    I just want my home so I can boast about and be rich. I truly deserved it, because I am one of those you mentioned as “who want to work and get on.”

    Thank you.Thank you.

    Yours sincerely,

    Grateful 5% deposit person

  4. I sometimes wonder whether this site is named correctly. Many seem to want to bring back slavery and lower living standards (although it is debatable whether slavery would lower living standards - for slaves must be housed and fed).

    Surely posters want decent affordable (cheaper, better quality) housing and increased living standards, rather than punishment for the poor, or maybe that is just me.


    Amongst many other things that sheeple do not realise with their stampede/gang-ho attitude against the unemployed and with their "I am doing allright Jack", "so I do not care for anyone else" attitude is that:

    1) They can also become unemployed through no fault of their own (especially in today's economic mess)

    2) Instead of saying "I work hard and pay off my mortgage" and boasting about their "support" of unemployed people on benefits, they should be made aware that they were getting all kinds of benefits (Tax credit,child benefit,..) even with high salaries (?!), including the benefit of having extremely laxed (fraudelent) bank criteria to get them the huge mortgage which they can never pay back + benefit of the ultra low interest rates at the expense of the taxpayer and savers who are forced by the Covernment's fraudulent policies to help above sheeple to enjoy ther ultra expensive house

    3) The more unemployed people are forced back to work (which is only profitable for ATOS,A4E and other private enterprises that charge the Government for their "services" because there is not much work in triple dip recession), the more competition in the job market will be for above mentioned arrogant/ignorant/ungrateful/evil sheeple.

    That competiotion will cause a lower salary,reduced employment rights,...

    Wait...that already sounds very familiar.

  5. You're not wrong.


    Woking Borough council is turning itself into a corporation with tax raising powers, which it uses to subsidise losses on projects all over the country. :o


    All the Council's are in the same game.

    London borough of Lewisham's Council some time ago proudly anounced that they are buying the Shopping centre just nex door to their offices.They are obviously securing their pension pot and their influence by turning into a corporation with tax raising powers.

  6. There's three main talents required to be an engineer.

    Synthesis - ingenuity, that's the root of the word. Having the creative ability to find a solution to a problem.

    Analysis - the maths part of being sure that it will work once you fabricate the synthesis.

    Adaptability - what you need when plan(A) didn't work. AKA bodging. Skilled bodging is essential in a good engineer.

    Universities only teach the analysis.

    I always held that opinion and I was the one who introduced that very concept at my Uni many moons ago.;)

  7. Yes, the people who design and approve the steel installations are the engineers in the proper sense of the word. They're the ones who need engineering degrees. Mr Brunel, for example, would have been far more likely to be found poring over drawings and calculations or talking to customers than wielding a monkey-wrench on one of his creations.

    Yes.But even Brunel was a hands-on person (like any other engineer) who was getting his hands dirty as well when needed.

  8. And what if your father needed to do something outside his narrow specialism? No degree does more than scratch the surface, its not intended to. It should cover the principles to start work in the field though, through a broad introduction to most facets.


    Also a genuine engineer (with the degree) cannot be "trained" into engineering.

    Technician might be trained, but the engineer (constructing the skyscraper/bridge/turbine/complex electronic circuit)?

    Engineering needs a lot of background knowledge, thus one has to go through the University, get a degree, then the work experience,...

    No wonder the Government/system looks down on engineers - majority of population equate the concept of an engineer to their local car mechanic who often does not know what he's doing, who has not got a clue about basics relating even to his own "expertise" and who has no - responsibility.

    Considering all the above, majority of UK population needs to be properly educated (staring from the primary School) just to understand and value what true education and expertise is all about.

    In the UK it is widely believed that one can be trained into any type of profession.Ridiculous.

    There are too many 2-3-5 (maximum) day courses in this country that give people a certificate of being capable of ..... nothing.

    Not to mention many people with totally uselles mickey mouse degrees - and all of them they call themselves - Graduates (?!)

    Hence, the economy has sunk.

  9. You, along with most of the rest of the British population, seem to have no idea whatsoever of the amount of work and commitment required to become a proper engineer. A typical engineering degree in the UK takes 4 years of full-time study and generally involves placements with engineering companies during the academic holidays. In other countries (such as Germany) an engineering degree is even tougher.

    Of course no degree is required for someone who services machines and replaces parts - that's because he's a technician, not an engineer. The engineers design the machines that the technicians fix and write the manuals that they follow. It's not about anyone being "more valuable" than anyone else since we need both engineers and technicians, but we shouldn't confuse the two.

    Spot on! That is how I also view it when I read the Bloo Loo's post - he IS a technician, probably more capable one, but still a technician.

    Engineer by definition is supposed to be "ingenious" (capable of devising an ingenious solution for the particular problem which can be of any nature), and contrary to popular belief, engineer (a genuine one with a degree) does not sit all the time in the office shuffling papers with silly and useless diagrams/drawings/calculations.

    Engineer also spends a lot of time working on the building site.

    Engineer also has a great deal of responsibility (which is never paid or valued) because the part of the turbine (or a building or a bridge,...) can break, thus cause injury,death,financial loss,..

  10. The Govt wants to pretend that we can sustain ourselves borrowing massive amounts every month and suddenly growth will reappear. The fact that it has all hit the wall again is no surprise! Mortgage lending is falling again - house sales will follow suit very soon - the FFLS is a sham and a disgrace - Sterling is under attack.


    I think the article is a reflection of how the markets now view Britain. We did not allow our housing market to right itself. We stayed uncompetitive. We have done little to help manaufacturing and exporting fire up. We continue to borrow and its rising not falling. The Coalition have not succeeded. They will simply add another £700 billion to the national debt to 2015 and make it about £1,400billion, with little to show for it. If you had proposed that scenario for the year 2015 to us in 2010, would the British public have voted for it?

    After all this shite coming from LibCon government for 3 years, I do not find any difference between what they did to the UK and Gordon Brown (our beloved Big Daddy who "saved the world", who loved to control us, who "took care" of our motgage "needs" with 100% fraudulent mortgages,QE's, new "liquidity" schemes,etc..).

    There was no change in Governmental policy about anything in the UK for the past 3 years (despite the change of Government), simply because - there was no reason to change the course due to the simple fact that there was no "crisis" starting out in 2007.

    Either that is true or there was indeed a 2007 crisis, but - they continued doing the same because of - why change something that "works"?

    Logic is the very first victim of the idiocracy,hence let's proclaim:

    Arise Sir Gordon Brown (Big Daddy),Sir Alistair Darling,etc... - you were proven right after 5 years!

    Clear evidence of your well deserved new title is that the LibCon Government has devotedly maintained your course (even over your wildest expectations).


    I do not see any real rally in prices - It's the usual effort to have people put up asking prices a tad, which has failed every year since 2009 to take hold.

    The FFL scheme is an outrage. At a time when prices remain so high, to uphold and encourage young people into mortgages of 4 or more times joint income is madness. Don't they listen? PRICES ARE FAR TOO HIGH - MANY WAGES HAVE AND ARE FALLING - THE ECONOMY IS TOO WEAK FOR ANY SUSTAINED HOUSE PRICE RECOVERY. THE ONLY THING WHICH WOULD ACTUALLY HELP IS A SHARP AND SUSTAINED FALL IN HOUS PRICES. Now that would be part of 'rebalancing' the economy.

    How do the gOvt or any other commentator for that matter suppose that prices can or even should rise from here? London is a foreign speculators market so put that to one side. Anywhere else and you could be looking at 4-12 x average annual income for a tiny home.

    I have noticed that sales appeared more sluggish in the New Year than for some time. Still the spring cometh.......

    Eventually, they will start flogging these liar 100% (and more) mortgages to the unemployed, because they will run out of suckers.

    It will be a prerequisite that you become unemployed in order to qualify for the above "mortgage" and you will have to go to the Jobcentre(Plus) to apply for 100%(Plus) mortage.

    I might easily join the que.

    At that point

  12. After all this shite coming from LibCon government for 3 years, I do not find any difference between what they did to the UK and Gordon Brown (our beloved Big Daddy who "saved the world", who loved to control us, who "took care" of our motgage "needs" with 100% fraudulent mortgages,QE's, new "liquidity" schemes,etc..).

    There was no change in Governmental policy about anything in the UK for the past 3 years (despite the change of Government), simply because - there was no reason to change the course due to the simple fact that there was no "crisis" starting out in 2007.

    Either that is true or there was indeed a 2007 crisis, but - they continued doing the same because of - why change something that "works"?

    Logic is the very first victim of the idiocracy,hence let's proclaim:

    Arise Sir Gordon Brown (Big Daddy),Sir Alistair Darling,etc... - you were proven right after 5 years!

    Clear evidence of your well deserved new title is that the LibCon Government has devotedly maintained your course (even over your wildest expectations).

  13. Has anyone ever challenged Cameron on the fundamental elephant in the room - that house prices are too high?

    +1 No.And no one ever mentiones (whole of media,Question time,Newsnight,..) that the house prices are to high,hence rents for businesses are high,hence housing benefit bill is too high, costs of everything (including the labour force especially in London) is too high,...

    It looks like that the whole nation is spellbound and brainwashed about this.And it is not only the "homeowners", it is also prospective FTB's. :ph34r:Unbeliavable.

  14. Absolutely ******ing nuts!! However, I guess they are just pandering to the general consensus of the population now. Everyone wants it NOW!! ****** hard work and graft, they want it NOW!! SO why offer better rates, when a lucky few can 'win big' instead? That is what our society has been reduced to, it's all about gambling now, trying to be one of the lucky ones to get a Willy Wonka ticket, rather than incremental improvement over time off your own back! I don't think people even aspire to improve their lot anymore through graft, they will just carry on with their shit lives, in the hope that one day they will win big and all their problems will be solved. It's lazy and flies in the face of accepting personal responsibility.


  15. For banks you are equating the 'public good' with the difference between what is paid in taxes and what is paid in subsidy. I think that is too narrow.

    The role of the banks is clearly to help allocate scarce capital to the most rewarding projects. This they have failed to do on a gargantuan scale, reversing the global capital allocation machine such that, counter intuitively, it flowed from developing to developed markets to be lent against property in the main. In fact, the banks have become hugely lazy and ignorant and hardly lend on 'risky' projets at all because they no longer have the skills with which to assess them and develop long term relationships.

    They have also decided to make the bulk of their profits from misselling their fake financial products to the unwary and now it has come to our attention just as the taxpayer owns many of the entities so we end up compensating ourselves, whereas the staff extracted their salaries and bonuses long ago.

    Plus the gambling on their own accounts againsty the broader public using their privileged positions to great effect.

    The cost can also be seen in the cost of housing, the cost of interest payments and lastly, the cost of the 'depression'-like conditions themselves and our very precarious position such that we pay savers substantially less than inflation. And we are a very long way from any sort of solution as we flow out to sea helplessly with the tide.

    There are a lot of costs we could argue over. And the evidence is in the share of the economy that has gone to financial services and the earnings of its staff, the dividends paid out - it is a cost that is being paid for by someone.

    Spot on.In order to invest into any kind of business,the investor (bank) has to know a bit about how to run a business,local conditions for businesses,has to know what makes a good business plan and do the homework on all the previously mentioned.

    Obviously, the bank staff are totally incompetent and also lazy to do all the above,hence no business investment by the banks.

    It is much easier for them to flog the liar loans to sheeple with the accompanying story that property prices can only go up and with the advice of remortgaging in 6 months (after bying the property) in order to withdraw the "increased equity" which should be "reinvested" into another property.

    Obviously, the bank does not know how to train its staff about business investments,and the bank also does not care.

    One of many schemes where banks get their money easily is to get the money from BOE at cheap rate and then lend it back to the Government at a higher rate and collect the proceedings.

  16. Read & Weep :rolleyes:

    "Are banks really the powerhouse of the UK economy? Or could they be some of the most heavily-subsidised businesses in the world?

    The chart below shows how much banks pay in taxes, and how much they receive in hidden subsidies. Shockingly, it seems that banks receive far more in subsidies than they ever pay in taxes."


    Nice one,Erranta. Somehow we all knew it.

    Banksters have immunity from prosecution for money laundering,mortgage fraud,..

    They are not sacked for incompetence,they get great bonuses even when they lose huge amounts of money,...

    Oh and I almost forgot - They are "talented",hence we are forced to pay by the Government from our pockets to pay for their "talent", and to retain their "talent" in the UK so they do not throw their toys out of the pram and leave for some other exotic bankster destination.

    Of course, we should be also happy and feel priviliged that such "talents" walk amongst us mortals who pay for their existence.

    There is NO other profession when the word "talent" is mentioned so much in the media which is reserved for banksters only.

    One could not make this shite up.

    Yet still, the sheeple continue to rotate the wheel with me and other HPCers in it and we can do nothing to stop it.

    This whole system is a pure corrupted idiocracy-rule of idiots over idiots.We are stuck in this nightmare.:angry:

  17. My fellow HPCers,

    Just to let you know that I sent this shocking QE story to the media:














    It will be very interesting to see whether anyone will publish it in the media.I will definitely not hold my breath over it.

  18. I was just wondering how much money does the British government give as subsidies ie welfare to companies?

    I'll start off, 30 billion on tax credits this is a subsidy, £1 billion a year subsidies paid to the wind power industry, 7 billlion for rail, Somerset County Council has subsidised Tesco's planning application to the tune of £20,000 of taxpayers' money was met with suggestions from Tory councillors that "Somerset County Council should deal with this, Duke of Westminster – one of Britain's richest men – has been given around £6million.A gricultural subsidy system, which now costs British taxpayers £3.6bn a year. £7.6 Billion Low-Carbon Power Subsidy, UKaviation is getting about £8 billion every year in tax breaks becaus evirtually nothing to do with air transport is taxed. bus operators receiving around £1.13 billion in 2008/9( say 1.5 billion for 2012/2013 . Additionally, subsidies for concessionary bus fares totalled nearly £1bn in England alone.

    Personally i think corporate welfare bill is double or even triple that of the social welfare bill.


    But I think this corporate welfare bill is easily 5x bigger.Just consider tax breaks/avoidance shemes for them, is surely about a half of the whole welfare bill.Not to mention any other benefit which they get.

    This is yet another excellent thread on this forum.

    Well done for mentioning "agricultural subsidy system".

    Housing benefit for unemployed is actually a half of the benefit the unemployed receive.

    And that half goes to the banks and landlord/other parasites who feed on the few crumbs from it.

    The sheeple are obsessed with the benefits for unemployed, whilst these "employed", "hard working", get much bigger benefits than social benefits.Just count in PFI, low rate interest mortgages (so they can live in the home which they otherwise could never afford),mortgages at 5-11x on a lying income, many perks and benefits for those who have tons of money, tax at 2% or no paid tax, various grants for PFI,..

    These are all benefits, aren't they.:angry:

  19. It's even worse than that. Contrary to what central bankers say, and maybe even believe, printing money does not produce wealth. It does not magic new oil, steel, energy, wheat or other resources into existence. It simply moves the stuff that exists about. Printing moves resources away from productive enterprise and wastes them on whatever madcap scheme the planners can dream up. The inevitable result is that resources are wasted and the majority of people are worse off.

    What Britain needs is a correction, not more insane money printing. If anyone can find some way to persuade people 'educated' in Keynesian nonsense of this I'd like to hear it. Explaining that they are wrong and why they are wrong does not work. Carrying out their crackers policies for years and watching them consistently fail does not persuade them. They are beyond all reason and ignore all evidence.


    But, this is idiocracy (fantastic 2006 movie),hence they will print and race UK to the bottom with absolute idiots and corrupts in charge.

    One of many examples of idiocracy, is an MP who sits on the Treasury comittee who asked Carney yesterday what is "liquidity" and other buzz banking words which sound knowledgable to sheeple/idiots, but are actually trivial.

    Then, after finishing his "tough questioning" of Mr Carney, he made that face of a "clever MP who knows all ins and outs" of banking.(?!) He was surely so happy with himself that he managed even to utter those buzz words, hence his happy grin.

    If I was Carney, I would have felt insulted.

    It was like a job interview where your job applicant (who is supposed to have Phd in maths),the employer asks him how much is 2+3?

    Quite often I wonder why there are still any degrees on Economics in universities?

    It looks like that we do not need those courses/degrees at least in the UK, because whole UK economics policy is simple:

    Print into infinity,give all of it it to banks (for mortage lending only, but also mention business lending even though bank will NOT invest into busineess because that requires knowledge and intelligence), and encourage sheeple public (idiots) to leverage themselves with debt.

    Voila! I just got awarded my UK's Phd on Economics.

  20. Where the money goes to is a better question - if you ever want to fully understand the sheer size and scale of this.

    And why shouldn't people have free housing...?

    What is it about that concept that causes so much anger...?

    Most of this country's housing stock must have been paid for 10 times over since it was built via successive sales and rent over the years.

    Like I said, where the money goes is just as important as where it comes from. The two are linked, but all your hate and anger is for the people who lose in this evil game.

    The people who end up with the profits have a much more expensive sense of entitlement than some person who just isn't that bright or skilled.

    If you want to hate, then hate yourself because, just like me, YOU allow this to happen. YOU by your inactivity passively consent to this.

    The only thing necessary for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.

    And posting on web forums my friend is doing LESS than nothing...


    Spot on!


  21. Yes.

    Some nice snippets!

    Page 21 - "Distributing leaflets to homes claiming that you have buyers lined up for these sorts of properties or that you have just sold a similar property when this is not true."

    Page 22 - "Advising a likely selling price in the market appraisal that is not based on a fair and honest assessment of current market conditions (but is quoted, for example, as a tactic to acquire the instruction)."

    Page 22 - "Misusing words or phrases like 'New Instruction', 'New' or 'New on the Market', when the property for sale has already been on the market for some time, or has been taken off the market previously for only a very short period."

    Page 23 - "Making broad statements about the condition of property (for example 'immaculate condition', 'recently decorated') or its features (for example 'double glazing', 'central heating') when the description only applies to parts of the property, not the whole."

    Page 23 - "Quoting false high offers to induce a potential buyer to put in their own offer at a higher price (to outbid those 'rival' offers) or false low offers to encourage a seller to accept a genuine offer that would otherwise be rejected as too low."

    Page 23 - "Misinforming a complainant about their rights under a redress scheme, or under the law."

    Page 26 - "if you enter into a contract with a consumer in their home or place of work, the existence of a cancellation right under the Cancellation of Contracts made in a Consumer's Home or Place of Work etc Regulations 2008" - I didn't know about these ones! Wonder if they also apply when internet shopping / insurnace over phone etc?

    Page 26 - "should provide to potential buyers who are considering whether to view a property is likely to include, as a minimum, the asking price, location, number and size of rooms" - so no more adds without room sizes and I'd argue that that is necessary for RENTING as well.

    Page 27 - "If you do not know a piece of material information, it could still be a misleading omission if you do not disclose it. What information a consumer needs to know at each stage of the process in order to make a sufficiently informed decision should be approached objectively. It is not necessarily what you consider the consumer in front of you might need, but what the reasonably well-informed, reasonably observant and circumspect consumer might need. However, in determining whether you have misled by omission, the circumstances and the context of your commercial practices will be taken into account."

    Page 28 - "Crucially, you cannot avoid liability for misleading by omission by adopting an 'ask no questions, shut one's eyes and close one's ears' approach."

    Page 28-9 - "In other cases, there may still be gaps in the information you have, or you need to check further (in order to give the level of information reasonable for the service you are providing). You may find you need to ask your client or third parties for information, for example where you can see there is a loft conversion but you do not know that the work has the necessary approvals and consents"

    Page 31 - "Failing to clarify that something appearing in a photograph, which a potential buyer would reasonably assume was included in the sale, was not included."

    Page 32 - "Failing to inform your seller client of services that you have been asked to provide to the buyer or referral fees that you will earn (for example for introducing the buyer to a mortgage lender, surveyor or conveyancer)." - they won't like that!

    Page 33 - "Imposing onerous or disproportionate requirements which prevent a client from exercising rights to terminate an agreement or switch to another property sales business." - better look at their lock in 12 week contracts...

    Page 33 - "Pressurising a potential buyer to use associated services, for example to take out a mortgage through the in-house mortgage advisor or to use a particular firm of solicitors or licensed conveyancers."

    Page 33 - "Pressurising (for example by persistent and/or aggressive telephone calls) the buyer to act quickly to put in an offer, raise their price, skip the survey, finalise the sale and/or exchange contracts."

    Page 35 - "For example, telling a prospective buyer that other properties have sold for a particular price, or that other potential buyers are interested in the property, when this is not true."

    Page 35 - "using a broad 'guide price' (such as '£150,000 to 200,000') when you have reason to believe that the seller has no intention of accepting an offer at the lower end of the range"

    Page 37 - "Falsely listing properties as 'Sold Subject to Contract' to create a false impression of your business's success selling properties or displaying a 'Sold' board outside a property you have not sold."

    Page 37 - "Leaving details of properties that you have sold on your website or in your office window for a long period of time (to the extent that you create a false impression that you are selling more properties than you actually are)."

    Page 37 - "Training staff to use scripts and/or techniques that are intended to mislead consumers."

    Page 40 - "you are the leading property sales business in a particular area or field when you are not (or cannot evidence this), and/or"

    Page 43 - "If you are prosecuted for failing to show professional diligence (which the CPRs prohibit generally) you will not have a due diligence defence available to you – what is listed at 5.5 above will not apply. If you knowingly or recklessly allow your conduct to fall below the standards of professional diligence, and you do something that materially distorts the economic behaviour of the average consumer, you will be committing a criminal offence under the CPRs."

    Page 43 - "If you are a company officer, you should also note, in relation to any criminal prosecution under the CPRs or BPRs, that you need to exercise proper control and supervision of your staff. You can be personally liable if an offence is committed by your staff, and it can be shown that this was due to your consent or connivance, or to neglect on your part."

    Page 43 - "If someone else commits an offence ... and they can show that the offence was due to your act or default, you will also be guilty of the offence"

    Lots more...!


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