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House Price Crash Forum

Gold Move Up


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If most of your assets are in gold, then house prices just crashed by 2.9% in the space of an hour or so in relation to gold. (28/962 * 100%)

The number of oz's of gold needed to buy the average UK house has fallen dramatically. If the same happened with GBP it would be news.

In the past 18 months, house prices have halved in comparison to gold, this is entirely noteworthy.


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What happens if it hits a $1000 :o , is there an emergency plan for the forum server.

gold bugs go into spazam, 80% of them dieing in the process.

that then forces their children to sell at lest 50% of the gold to cover the death tax.

when depresses prices to $2.99 per tonne.

dont you know!

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What happens if it hits a $1000 :o , is there an emergency plan for the forum server.


Hopefully any emergency plan would include bringing the venerable gold thread back on to the main discussion forum instead of hiding it away in a backwater as though gold had no bearing on house prices - past, present and future.

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gold bugs go into spazam, 80% of them dieing in the process.

Is it like an epileptic fit, I can't remember if you should restrain goldbugs or let them spaz out.


I may have inadvertantly made an astute comment in relation to the current forum situation

Edited by maxwell
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Is it like an epileptic fit, I can't remember if you should restrain goldbugs or let them spaz out.


I may have inadvertantly made a clever comment in relation to the current forum situation

let nature take it course

this is the cycle of life for gold bugs.

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Is it like an epileptic fit, I can't remember if you should restrain goldbugs or let them spaz [1] out.

[1]Of, relating to, or characterized by spasms: a spastic colon; a spastic form of cerebral palsy.

I got some very strange looks from people when I said that one of the scientific instruments was suffering from spazmodic actions on one of the arms. There were these "did he just say that?" disapproving looks from some.

There was a "read a fúcking dictionary" look on my face.

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Can gold save the world? Or is it yet another means for those in power to remove notional wealth from the innocence of those who want to protect themselves? Is it a red herring entirely? I know you’ve commented on these in the past, and feel free to just copy those back in – they were compelling then, and perhaps even more so now.

Slightly different, but I’ve picked up a few comments about folks not being sure what’s going to happen, e.g. uncharted territory, etc., but what’s that based on? Aren’t any of the precedents similar in principle? Do you have a link to the big numbers at stake here? Not gold, but the whole lot. The perspective gets a bit wobbly when trillions are bandied about.

Nice to see you back by the way.

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Is it like an epileptic fit, I can't remember if you should restrain goldbugs or let them spaz out.


I may have inadvertantly made an astute comment in relation to the current forum situation

You should just let us spaz out :lol: Unfortunately, some people who didn't buy any gold get very jealous when we all start spazing out with our rockets and stuff.

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I got some very strange looks from people when I said that one of the scientific instruments was suffering from spazmodic actions on one of the arms. There were these "did he just say that?" disapproving looks from some.

There was a "read a fúcking dictionary" look on my face.

Perhaps you should have said 'read a fúcking dictionary ya spazhead' and see what they would have made of that :lol:

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Ooooh - that was close - I really thought it was going to bust the big 1000 on that last surge - It really makes you wonder about the cartels when something like that happens. I'm so gratefull to this forum for enlightening me about gold and all its conspiracies/theories etc. I know theres a lot of stuff on the net about it, but it only there if you look for it, and its this site that got me looking. I cant wait to see what happens next time it goes near the 1000 mark!

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What happens if it hits a $1000 :o , is there an emergency plan for the forum server.


Yes but take out infaltion that is much higher then we are told and also the drop of the dollar against something like the euro and the gains are not quite so good as the graph shows and if you throw in the penality for trading in the real stuff then profit is looking slim.

paper gold is a big gamble because if the $~^& hits the fan then all the brokers will be long gone with your money.

sure gold is a edge against inflation but so is silver, copper and even corn and during recessions it has not always performed to well.

if we get a meltdown as i think we will then gold will come into its own maybe but by then food will be a much bigger priority and a box of fags or a few tins of beer will oil the wheels of life much better then yellow metal dont ya think

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Ooooh - that was close - I really thought it was going to bust the big 1000 on that last surge - It really makes you wonder about the cartels when something like that happens. I'm so gratefull to this forum for enlightening me about gold and all its conspiracies/theories etc. I know theres a lot of stuff on the net about it, but it only there if you look for it, and its this site that got me looking. I cant wait to see what happens next time it goes near the 1000 mark!

i dont buy the story about the Banks and NWO trying to destroy the use of gold to make us all used fiat currency printed by them and this is for one very good reason.

for less than $1/2tr at todays prices you could buy up all the gold in the world and as 24ct gold it would only take up a few hundred m2 and this is small change to these people.

You want a conspriacy then check out diamonds and then keep well clear of buying any.

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Guest Steve Cook
Ooooh - that was close - I really thought it was going to bust the big 1000 on that last surge - It really makes you wonder about the cartels when something like that happens. I'm so gratefull to this forum for enlightening me about gold and all its conspiracies/theories etc. I know theres a lot of stuff on the net about it, but it only there if you look for it, and its this site that got me looking. I cant wait to see what happens next time it goes near the 1000 mark!

Whenever I read your posts..I can't help hearing the voice of the character in the Simpsons speaking the words...wierd!


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Personally I think we are entering uncharted territory. Prechter always said the coming down-wave was on a 200 year scale - the death of the US empire. Gold is unlinked to empires.

Doesn't Prechter think that gold will crash


Wish that Clint would have given Ron Paul a bit of help - might have made some of the general public vote for someone that made sense for a change.

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Yes but take out infaltion that is much higher then we are told and also the drop of the dollar against something like the euro and the gains are not quite so good as the graph shows and if you throw in the penality for trading in the real stuff then profit is looking slim.

No, not with 30% per annum over 10 years. Even if you really push the figures of inflation, alternative investments, trading costs even for bullion. Gold had the same rize in sterling from around £160 to £500. So I really can't see, even whiile being as generous as possible how gold didn't make 30% p.a. over 10 years.

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