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How To Prepare For 2010


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The job fludiity advice is good - for those of us (like me) who can't up sticks at moment's notice, then at least expand your skills set - learning a language is my tip, given how so few people in this country can speak any language other than English fluently, it'll give you an instant edge over the herd.

Agree with repleis here about opting for "boring" low-risk investments - "boring" is just another word for "safe" and safety's what you need in a depression. And all the talk about guns and bunkers is a distraction - it's hihgly unlikely civilisation is going to totally collapse....

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I thought this had changed, hence it is 0% backed.

According my knowledge, Switzerland still has significant amount of gold, especially when compared to the size of their economy:


it is true that they sold a lot, in 1999 Switzerland had much more gold than now:


Now - circa 1200 tons, 1999, circa 2200...

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Employment wise I think we are soon to leave the 'IT/communications' paradigm and enter the 'green/environmental' paradigm (what is out there at the minute is just a fraction of what is to come - i.e. the early 'adopters')

Yes this is my feeling also... we are on the cusp of a paradigm shift

wouldn't be at all suprised if we see a huge stock bubble over the next 5-10 years in companies involved with renewable energy, rivalling or surpassing that of the tech bubble

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wouldn't be at all suprised if we see a huge stock bubble over the next 5-10 years in companies involved with renewable energy, rivalling or surpassing that of the tech bubble

I agree, the convergence of IT/Comms is now clearly visible with the solid state/broadband push technology becoming 'standard' and being eventually controlled by a few big players.

Once this occurs there will be little room for innovation, so as you say the tide will turn and it may be this that actually causes the wobble to finally nail the coffin shut on the UK as other countries are way ahead in terms of R&D in these fields, we had our opportunity way back in the 70s to be a market leader in this but government funding dwindled.

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'Most people'? A handful of kranks number less than 3 billion, I think.

The Mayan calendar ends then only in the way that ours ended at the end of AD 999. It's the end of a 400 year cycle (actually 144000 days, not quite 400 years) and as such anyone running the Mayan long count date system will have to add a digit to the front. Granted, it's a pain, but not quite the end of the world.

Far more than a handful actually - it wasn't only the Mayans that thought this. Just about every advanced civilisation in history has something momentous pointing to that year..



'2012 BOOK CREATES A STIR - 03/06/2006

Geoff Stray’s magnum opus ‘Beyond 2012’ has gone a long way to spread the word far and wide about the possibilities of some kind of huge shift, symbolic or physical, in the year 2012, an event seemingly long indicated in ancient writings and calendars, and apparently reflected in several crop formations. MIRANDA JOYCE reviews the book…

Several years back, I can remember buying a thin stapled booklet called ‘Beyond 2012’ at a crop circle conference. I bought it from its author Geoff Stray, who seemed to be very much a lone figure in promoting the 2012 subject in those days. For some time this was my only contact with the many different prophecies for the year 2012, and it was a Godsend, a compendium of all the theories and beliefs under one cover.

Now we have the proper book version of ‘Beyond 2012’, hugely expanded, beautifully produced and unrecognisable from its humble forbear, but I am delighted to find that it still retains its vital balance of viewpoints and sweep of coverage. Nearly every theory, however extreme or obscure, gets touched on at least briefly (longer for the more credible ideas), and Mr Stray is one of the most thorough researchers of any subject that I have ever come across. He is open enough to give coverage to everything, but has enough discernment and honesty to say clearly when he thinks something has validity and when it does not. The style is never less than authoritative, but also manages to be witty and sharp, entertaining even as it educates.

For some, the year 2012 brings thoughts of global change, upheaval, apocalypse. Others see it as a shift of consciousness, new spiritual awareness, higher frequencies. Several different cultures of the ancients (not just the famous Maya) appear to have had knowledge of a significant time cycle, which may bring either some of these turmoils or delights, none of them, or all of them - hence the full title of the book: ‘Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy’. Taken together with modern predictions by various means, scientific and mystical, there is something of substance here. Knowing exactly what to expect is the problem, and the urgency in wanting to know comes because the next turning of the cycle appears to be 21st December 2012, according to most observers of the predictions. Is the heart of the cycle about astronomy? Weather or geological cycles? Psychic development? Returning gods? Extra-Terrestrial intervention?

Anyone wanting to get a good fix on what this 2012 business is all about should start with this book – there is simply no other source out there that I have found which provides such a huge overview of the whole phenomenon. This book is well-written, well-reasoned and exhaustively comprehensive. That said, it is not the easiest of reads - nor should it be. Some of the information is necessarily detailed, leaving no stone unturned in its mission to get to the heart of a belief or theory. And some of the base information is of its nature complex – the Maya calendar, for instance, the most publicly-known area of 2012 prophecy, is not simple to explain, and one must persevere to get through some of the fine details. Doing so brings rewards – the key to understanding IS in this book when one relaxes and simply absorbs. But if the calculations and charts do get too much, it is still possible to skip through them and yet retain clear understanding of the point being made. In other words, you will not read this book at a single session over a cup of coffee. It’s not like that, and life is not like that. Instead, you have 352 pages of incredibly well-researched information that may change your life, depending on what level the data hits home.

Crop circles figure significantly at key points of the book and, as we know, several agriglyphs in recent years have directly referenced the 2012 time cycle. The circles get a whole chapter to themselves, and Mr Stray’s revelations about the multi-layered correlations to 2012 and numerological connections of the formations in question are astonishing and make one look again at the incredible purpose (or at least universal connectedness) with which the circles seem to be made.

The book itself is well-presented and full of explanatory illustrations, colour and black and white, and, joy of joys – it has a detailed index. This makes it a very valuable research tool for anyone with even a little interest in the 2012 phenomenon and its satellite subjects, as relevant bits of the many ideas covered in the book can be checked so easily. So many books these days are let down woefully by the lazy omission of such an obviously useful feature. There are also lots of comprehensive references and notes which give all the pointers to further information that anyone could want.

If you are curious in any way with what might happen in 2012, and want to know what the key hopes and fears are - and whether it is something we should be concerned about or not - then ‘Beyond 2012’ is essential reading.

After all, it’s only six years away'

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Guest Shedfish

20 things for 2010


Military hardware

Extended warranties


Swiss army caravans

K rations

Laptops that run on jam


Furry handcuffs

Mayan codices (bull market until 1 Reed 2013)

Edwin Starr


Faux suede

Furry handcuffs

HELLO magazine

Smart cars and convertibles

Life coaches

Buy to let

Chocolate fireguards

Monkfish sushi

Trailer tents

James Blunt

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So far as I remeber a joint US-Russian mission to Jupiter happens to see what happened in 2001, they meet the spirit of HAL and Dave who are representing some aliens. Humans are banned from Europa, Jupiter is turned into a star.

Conclusion: Property boom on Ganymede, HPC on Earth.

"My God! It's full of BTL's!"

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Has the crash been delayed again?


yeah, I thought it was next year. although it appears perpetually to be next year. ok that's just me flirting with bullishness because of the 'when the last bear turns bull'. not really. actually, I expected to get back from my hols and open up hpc and **** to 'you can now afford a flat, go forth and purchase'. in fact, to be honest, a small bit of my brain half-hopes for that every time I check out the sites. one day my crash will come.

btw was made to throw bottle of water away at airport here. funnily enough, their water on the inside of airport ok to buy and take on plane. did not have to do similar in foreign airport on return, friend of mine said ditto Spain. who believes any of this terrorist threat shit? and don't the bottles of water cancel out the cigarette lighters?

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