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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by 200p

  1. Having used to seeing blow off tops - the next one from clearing $1,200 could be $5,000, or $10,000. This current move is very gentle, starting from 2015. No investment advice - please consider me as a crank or some other nut.
  2. Ok, smarty pants. Let me rephrase it, how can an individual legally turn £100 into £1m, in one year, with little effort, little risk, and with each £unit have at least or more spending power at the start!
  3. Please Don't Goooooo!!! Here have this: No tax to pay for 10 years! No National Insurance contributions to pay for 10 years! £5bn free grant to help settle in with Brexit £25K Per annum for every UK employee retained for the next 10 years Free 10% lifetime discount cards at your super markets
  4. People who bought during a boom aim at achieving higher prices when they sell and, as a consequence, move less often. In a bull market, the easiest option is relist at higher and higher prices as soon as there is a "bite" on the hook. There is a transaction cost with buying and selling.
  5. How can an individual turn £100 into £1m please?
  6. About Bank Underground is a new blog written by staff at the Bank of England. Our goal is to bring more of our thinking into the public domain and to showcase our analytical and research output. We hope to contribute to the wider debate on areas that are relevant to the Bank’s work. If you want to get in touch, please email us at bankunderground@bankofengland.co.uk
  7. A good care home costs £500 per week to live in, that's £26,000 for just one year.
  8. Please Don't Goooooo!!! Here have this: No tax to pay for 10 years! No National Insurance contributions to pay for 10 years! £5bn free grant to help settle in with Brexit £25K Per annum for every UK employee retained for the next 10 years Free 10% lifetime discount cards at your super markets
  9. I've never been to Oban, but if I could work from home, online 100% then I would move there. It looks tranquil, and far away from stress. Or my next choice would be the Isle Of Wight, near to David Icke. He must be onto a good thing if a nuclear war started. Oban on google maps https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Oban/@56.4159172,-5.4739062,3a,75y,223.28h,77.89t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sN_dUXzmoJsba8LGQ8SZbvQ!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DN_dUXzmoJsba8LGQ8SZbvQ%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D69.099556%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x488941d0d2ddf1c1:0x83dd4aff818fc237!8m2!3d56.415157!4d-5.471047!6m1!1e1
  10. A bargain if you like serving picky guests at 6am, that want organic fair trade Ostrich eggs for breakfast.
  11. You could hedge (lol) yourself if you are an investment banker from moving to Poland, by buying DPP (Dominoes Pizza Poland). More people will have more discretionary spending if London's financial square uproots to Wroclaw.
  12. But they told us post Brexit there would be an emergency budget and we would go back to the 1970s, millions would be unemployed... ^and Formula 1 would be like this post Brexit
  13. Loans like that a few years ago would be nearer 8%, and 10% for my first proper car.
  14. I got notified of this - sub 5% loans up to £25. Lowest ever rate.
  15. "LSR" on the London Stock Exchange Local Shopping REIT. Saves getting your hands dirty.
  16. Good bump, and update interestrateripoff. This still stands true, 2 years on.
  17. Well. I'm sold, I see ££££ signs! But I'm not in the right age bracket.
  18. Does everyone feel ashamed of themselves for voting the wrong way now... they keep rubbing it in.
  19. There are two types of company management. "Entrepreneurial" - the original founders, that spread get up and make the company grow real profits. "Care taker" - the original founders have long gone, and are just passive shareholders. This company is not going anywhere. It is a stalwart, and probably doomed.
  20. As a progrissive forum, we should blame Brecit Tump Puttin
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