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Everything posted by Damik

  1. ONS data revision in Guardian: http://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/apr/12/london-property-values-plummet-after-office-national-statistics-revises-figures
  2. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/why-central-london-house-prices-are-falling-and-what-it-tells-us-about-the-british-economy-a6977646.html Why central London house prices are falling, and what it tells us about the British economyhttps://www.estateagenttoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2016/4/london-some-areas-see-a-third-of-homes-on-sale-cut-asking-prices London: some areas see a third of homes on sale cut their asking prices
  3. Perhaps the LR data are not a leading indicator of the crash, but I am really getting concerned that somehow the last 2 years Prime London mini crash is getting subdued now. Perhaps it is the last straw before the crash ???
  4. FFS even Prime London now is going up ... this is getting depressing ...
  5. https://www.estateagenttoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2016/3/high-end-prime-london-likely-to-see-more-price-falls-warns-agency High-end prime central London likely to see more price falls, warns agency
  6. Only crap on the HPC is your Putin Fascist propaganda with Ukraine Nazis, Syrian Sunni terrorists and justification of ethnic cleansing of all none Russians .. Your mother should be ashamed of you ...
  7. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ukraine+nazi&biw=1024&bih=653&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiF9uKDhePLAhVMvxQKHVUFD4gQ_AUICCgC#tbm=isch&q=russian+nazi BTW Ukraine parliament has less right wing parties there than France ... But it is not about Russian neoNazis. It is about Putin the Fascist, dictator and election fraud, who claims to invade other countries as West is decadent and must be destroyed ...
  8. Interesting that Putin's Fascists accuse Ukrainians to be Nazis ??? Ukraine is not a failed dictatorship like Putinistan and Ukraine has not invaded anybody on the pretext of being a master race ...
  9. Putin the Fascist thinking in a nutshell: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/03/21/there-may-be-a-lot-of-reasons-putin-changed-russias-syria-policy-but-showing-up-obama-is-probably-not-one-of-them/ Scapegoating the West fits into this, because it’s an effective tool for marginalizing the opposition and getting many Russians to rally around the flag (which is then conveniently draped around Putin himself). Going to war in Ukraine fits into this, because it stops the expansion of a geopolitically competitive political project (the European Union), projects power and brings home the message that the Western threat is real. Going to war in Syria also fits into this, because it might help get sanctions lifted, plus it also helps project an image of power. And ending the war in Syria also fits, because it cuts the losses from a failed anti-sanction strategy and allows “victory” to be declared well ahead of parliamentary elections in September, while avoiding the risk of the war going south just before the vote.
  10. What a shock for Putin's Fascists. Public support dictates who is going to be elected ...
  11. Great. So no problem to keep them ...
  12. Perhaps you missed Assad; the best friend of Putin the Fascist ... http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/feb/12/syrian-president-bashar-al-assad-vows-to-retake-whole-country Syrian president Bashar al-Assad vows to retake whole countryhttp://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.706425 Israeli Defense Minister: Syrian Government Used Chemical Arms During Truce
  13. They made the first step with democratic elections with the strongest party having only 25% in the parliament. Now the will need at least 1 generation to clean up all the Soviet heritage. On the other side Putin the Fascist and his 10 crony friends get always 99% therefore the Russian economy is tanking like there is no tomorrow ...
  14. Indeed and it will take them about 30 years / one generation. The Eastern Europe is still struggling with the corruption and it started from 1990s ... Terrible legacy of Soviet oppression ...
  15. I feel sorry for Ukrainians. They really suffer the most under Soviets and Putin. They deserve to live like the rest of Eastern Europe!
  16. No surprise here. The whole world is clear about Putin the Fascist ... http://europe.newsweek.com/putin-paranoia-driving-foreign-adventures-438577?rm=eu PUTIN’S PARANOIA IS DRIVING HIS FOREIGN ADVENTURES http://news.nationalpost.com/news/world/analysis-vladimir-putin-is-no-master-of-strategy-his-syria-plan-was-a-disaster Vladimir Putin is no master of strategy — his Syria plan was a disaster http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/opinion/tony-abbott-warlord-putins-aggression-biggest-threat-to-world-peace-outside-the-middle-east/news-story/1affe6523291bd3b65c69869880f46e2 Tony Abbott: Warlord Putin’s aggression biggest threat to world peace outside the Middle East
  17. Putin the Fascist destroying the remains of Russian economy. The crony Mafia style government is not really great for the economy at all ... http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/22/millions-more-russians-living-in-poverty-as-economic-crisis-bites Millions more Russians living in poverty as economic crisis bites Nearly 20 million now surviving on wages which are below the poverty threshold according to latest state statistics
  18. Putin the Fascist destroying the remains of Russian economy. The crony Mafia style government is not really great for the economy at all ... http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/22/millions-more-russians-living-in-poverty-as-economic-crisis-bites Millions more Russians living in poverty as economic crisis bites Nearly 20 million now surviving on wages which are below the poverty threshold according to latest state statistics
  19. Putin the Fascist destroying the remains of Russian economy. The crony Mafia style government is not really great for the economy at all ... http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/22/millions-more-russians-living-in-poverty-as-economic-crisis-bites Millions more Russians living in poverty as economic crisis bites Nearly 20 million now surviving on wages which are below the poverty threshold according to latest state statistics
  20. Here we go; simple as that; first comment and 100% correct ... Perhaps the real mistake is in trying to make existing systems fit the new idea. It would be much easier, technically, to abolish all existing state benefits and start a new and entirely separate universal credit system to take over. Politically of course, this would be a very hard sell - not least to the civil servants and local authority staff seeing their careers vanish overnight.
  21. I would like to believe that Putin the Fascist is fighting ISIS and other terrorists. But in Syria 90% of Russians bomb sorties did NOT target ISIS. It speaks for itself ...
  22. Agreed. Putin is a dangerous moron ... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/12198791/Putin-is-no-master-of-strategy-his-Syria-plan-was-a-shambles.html Putin is no master of strategy – his Syria plan was a shambles For now, Putin is the servant of Assad. Not the other way around
  23. Excluding the war crimes and support of the war criminal Assad ... What a shame that it is still the West who needs to finish off the ISIS as Putin does not care about Syrians at all.
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