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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by iamnumerate

  1. Well its what LibLabCon think is fair. I complained about this on Labourhome in 2001 and I was told it was because the economy was doing well that I couldn't afford a house not because they gave them to pro single parents.
  2. I do feel sorry for you, I only just got a house (got on the ladder in 2001 when it was expensive but cheap compared to today). The really depressing thing is that a lot of people think this is a good state of affairs. I am beginning to hope that my 6 year old son can emigrate to a country, where people want their children to be able to buy a home.
  3. I don't think Farage should have done that, however have the other party leaders never used bad language? If they have you won't hear it on the BBC.
  4. Yes I agree 100% and of course people who are anti any control of immigration or moving pro single parents out of London and anti any new homes being built near them.
  5. If making yourself dependant on the state pays better than working, then people will do that. I know someone who is a primary school teacher her wage is less than the benefit cap which is a bit depressing. Fortunately by the time her pupils leave school, the benefit cap will be a lot lower than it is now, so for them studying is a good idea.
  6. Very good idea, then people who pay for it with their own money might find it a bit cheaper.
  7. But none of it positive, if this bloke had been UKIP "Councillor Stephen Fenwick, a Liberal Democrat councillor representing Worcester Park ward was yesterday convicted of racially aggravated assault. " http://www.worcesterparkblog.org.uk/2014/03/councillor-convicted-of-racist-assault.html He would have been on every station for 24 hours
  8. UKIP is the same as ISIS - wow that is that a new version of Godwin's law?
  9. The difference in coverage is because UKIP is a major force in EU elections unlike Respect and the Greens. Also of course Respect only stands in a few seats so can't be compared to UKIP (or the Greens) in any way whatsoever.
  10. Do they? Surely unfashionable areas could become fashionable and then you are on a winner. To be honest I think housing is only a good investment if the cost of owning minus the value you put on security of tenure etc is less than the cost of renting +/- capital gain/loss.
  11. Sadly I agree with you, I think we have expensive housing in the UK because we want it.
  12. Get rid of stamp duty increase council tax to encourage people to downsize. Also stop paying people to live in areas of high demand who don't work there.
  13. I don't think it is just a shortage of houses (although of course bankers might have made more money if they had only lent to people who can afford them I am sure shareholders in Northern Rock etc would agree with me). However countries where they build a lot of homes e.g. Spain prices are affordable. A shame that the price of doing so was destroying most of their banks.
  14. I disagree entirely. I know houses which cost £64K 20 years ago and cost £400k now. We really have to work out why this is true. To say that it is all because the money goes to the rich as opposed to lack of building houses is very shortsighted - the top 1% don't live in houses which cost £400k.
  15. I agree 100% if we stopped doing that housing in London would be a lot cheaper and fairer
  16. Is it important moorland for some rare species or are they just being selfish?
  17. In the past nursing was not a degree and student nurses earnt while they learnt. They also got cheap accomodation I knew a student nurse in 92 who paid £40 per MONTH in central London for her nurses home room. Now days she would live at home and pay 3 times that for her train fare. When they said things can only get better they lied.
  18. Either, I would guess that Landlords did well under Labour last time and will do so again.
  19. How many Landlords were there when Labour won power in 97 and how many in 2010?
  20. I am not wishing to insult the north but don't you think it is wrong that people who work in London have to leave but not those who don't? I am 41 and just got on the boat (paid a lot more than I would have done a few years before but not today's crazy prices). However I know pro single parents who live in houses than I could never dream of living in and the OP has no chance. Why should someone like Heather Frost have a better house than the OP (I know she doesn't live in London but Gloucester is quite expensive).
  21. It would be better if they were to force us to build more homes. Of course if they tried that then every party would be anti the EU.
  22. Sounds great, we really need Labour in power for 13 years to solve the housing crisis. Apart of course from the fact that Labour caused it,so why trust them?
  23. I did say "To be honest I don't mind 16 year olds having the same rights as an 18 year old and if Salmond were calling for that I wouldn't mind but he is not doing so." So I am not sure why you are asking me whether I think that are mature enough to know what they believe. I think it is possible but we would have to change other rights as well. So you think that it is ok for 16 year old are mature to vote for a government that could send soldiers to war but not mature enough to be a soldier or borrow £250 to start a business. That is not a very consistent view but not everyone thinks consistency is a virtue. Are you Alec Salmond in disguise?
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