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Man of Kent

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  1. Looks like Ashford Council are applying to have Fergus Wilson committed to prison tomorrow, presumably for breaching their injunction against him.
  2. I guess you have to admire the chutzpah of people who can assure you that everything is absolutely fine even as the sky is falling on around them. They must be absolutely shitting themselves.
  3. There was one on LT4L yesterday too: https://taxpolicy.org.uk/2024/02/12/lt4l_fraud/ That whining sound you can hear is the sound of whole orchestras of the tiniest violins.
  4. They've gone awfully quiet, haven't they? I'd love to know what's going on behind the scenes.
  5. The sight of a bunch of landlords trying to lawsplain to Giles Peaker is absolutely splendid to behold. It's like someone who can't drive trying to tell Max Verstappen where he's going wrong.
  6. And then there's this, which completely misses the point that the 'in-house' exemption from DOTAS doesn't mean that a scheme doesn't have to be notified, but that it has to be notified by the user and not the promoter: https://www.property118.com/tax-avoidance-dotas-and-the-substantial-incorporation-structure-sis/ Yes folks, it appears they just exposed all their clients to a DOTAS penalty. Top work lads, absolutely sterling job.
  7. Oh no! Apparently Dan Neidle's controlled by the Illuminati! https://www.property118.com/dan-neidle/ (For some reason the comment that Dan was fired from Clifford Chance - which is a complete lie - hasn't set off their notoriously hair trigger moderation. How very odd.)
  8. It's just a cult. Like Dan Neidle - a man who saw off a literal Chancellor of the Exchequer - is intimidated by him is just insane.
  9. Jesus Christ. https://www.property118.com/open-letter-to-dan-neidle-i-am-not-the-monster-you-think-i-am/
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