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Posts posted by Fudge

  1. I was with a group of friends last night and the conversation was around homeless people sleeping rough, and one person who I didn't realise rented out a property said he has decided to sell it in the new year. And it occurred to me how many other BTL landlords are thinking the same thing. 

  2. Well here are the words then:

    Mr Osbourn "Unfortunately, the UK was perhaps the most eager participant in this boom, with the most indebted households, the biggest housing bubble, the most over-leveraged banks and the largest budget deficit of them all."

    Yes but why?

    Because we were trying to maintain a decent standard of living.

    A middle class standard of living because we were told that we are all middle class now.

    But following neo liberal policies and globalisation was actually driving down the standard of living in the west.

    So we borrowed and got into huge debt to maintain a standard of living that was not supported by the economic policies that both Thatcher and Blair followed.

    I like to put it down to incompetence because the thought of it being done deliberately makes me sick.

  3. The police are not really there to protect the ordinary guy in the street and his property, that's what people cannot get their heads around with these riots.

    They don't care if the proles kill each other or burn the community to the ground.

    They are there to enforce the capitalist system. The whole state is.

    Thatcher understood this, you need a strong state to maintain such an unequal society.

    The rich have enough protection to defend their own wealth and privilege and that's all they need.

    That's why they all live in gated communities.

  4. Watching tv footage of people smashing shops and just going in taking stuff just goes to prove what people are capable of.

    Capitalists like the idea of dog eat dog, survival of the fittest.

    Well lets see how they like the real thing.

    What are the bankers going to do if these people decide they want your house?

  5. Seems like a good opportunity to smash places up, loot Comet for laptops and the local offy for fags and booze without being caught. Don't see this as any sort of political struggle or campaign for human rights.

    Its not political as such but everything is political isn't it?

  6. Fudgie, I am from Liverpool. I was there through the Toxteth riots. All about stopping Thatcher, but she didn't. Then they stopped.

    These young lads rioting today have nothing to lose.

    Their future looks bleak anyway. They don't give a ****** either way.

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