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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by Kilham

  1. I've been watching this one for a few months now - it was up for auction last summer at 250k with no success, it's back this month and was listed at first as 'highest bid', then '250k+' and is currently down to '225,500+' all within 2 weeks. From the photos it looks very nice - except they may have just pushed the beachside idea a bit far. Any ideas/opinions why it's been abandoned at such a late stage, surely it was close enough to completion to have not just run out of money?. I suspect the '200 year flood risk standards' aka some rocks in front of it may not have been enough and a few years of rough seas could wash it away. In that case its true value is probably about zero?. http://www.wilsonsauctions.com/property_details_scotland_new.asp?id=592482
  2. Freecycle. Seriously, give it a try there's some good stuff on there.
  3. http://www.lateralscience.co.uk/edison/index.html
  4. Found one after going through 17 pages, I think the sellers need professional help (and I don't mean an EA). What do you do if it's not sold after being on the market for nearly 3 years?. Put the price up 6.5% http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-10164072.html
  5. Load up the Bee and go have a look for yourself. If you can find anything that has INCREASED in price there I'll wear the gimp outfit (I've only been watching those below 100k though and they're still all over bloody priced).
  6. No semis within 3 miles up for sale so an end of terrace - £179,500
  7. They've simply adapted faster to suit the environment in which they're living, unlike us dinosaur savers.
  8. Text version here, which I post at every available opportunity http://www.juliangough.com/the-great-hargeisa-goat-bubble Edit: What is going on with the tags in this thread?. Editedit: Seems to be a forum problem.
  9. Yes, the bars are shinier than they used to be and we have a lot more toys to play with in our cage. It's also smaller.
  10. I remember after the 80s bubble viewing an unfinished house. It had been abandoned as they'd built it using concrete blocks apparently in contravention of the building regs at the time which only allowed them to be used in a single storey house. The buyer would have had to demolish it or remove the roof and top half to make it safe. Now it seems to be OK to use them.... It was otherwise a nice large detached house in Northumberland with 1/2 acre. £20,000.
  11. Maybe the way it's presented confused the bears. To me bad news would be less than 20% drops
  12. No you saw it, just caught a bit of it on the news channel. Sure he mentioned 'Irrelevant and irrational' prices.
  13. Nope: Plan A: Print Plan B: Print 2x Plan C: Print 4x Plan D: Print 8x ... .. ...
  14. How about little icons we could add next to the username?. We could have a bull or bear, pile of gold bars or green dollars, stash of beans, tinfoil hat, printing press (or bogroll of £50s) - not sure what you could use to represent deflation though?.
  15. Don't give them fking ideas. Though we seem to be halfway there already. :angry:
  16. So running recent posts through the RBCI translator we have: 1: House prices are about to fall off a 300 foot cliff 2: Sterling will be less useful than bogroll (£20s don't flush very well). 3: I won't mention that one.
  17. Not true, we're flogging a couple of old aircraft carriers. They'll be on UKPLCs ebay account soon - maybe they'll give us a 'Gold Seller' rating.
  18. A little long to post here so just a link: The great hargeisa goat bubble
  19. There are plenty in Ireland who are rightly pssed at the banks right now, it has a chance there. In the UK nobody cares, the Soma shipments are still on time.
  20. There is a small but finite possibility that paper may crash 99.99999999%, until we learn how to freely convert mass to energy and back again physical metals will always have some value.
  21. Please tell me that's illegal. Counterfeiting/fraud/?.
  22. Yep, I think it'll be filed as a possible future option somewhere between 'squatting' and 'caravan'. For now it's back to work-save-hope. Edit- Thanks for the replies, I just get a bit desperate and lose patience at times.
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