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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by MrFlibble

  1. And Joe Public spurred on by the economic wizards over at the Express haven't even got involved yet I really must do a last time buy before the bubble really kicks off
  2. Obama strikes again, this guy and Bernanke should be held together in a brassiere
  3. Assuming the money was real in the first place, which from what we've all seen this is quite obviously not the case.
  4. Lifetime of servitude is what the elites seem to be shooting for. I feel for the young of today as no matter how hard they try they seem to be completely snookered. I seriously think with how FUBAR things now are the best answer is to produce kids, lots of kids, then let the state provide. Never thought I'd hear myself say that
  5. But, but, but, I thought you couldn't go wrong with bricks and mortar? Depending on the amount of N.I. involved some people simply need to say ******** to it and post the keys back to the bank. If Banksters have a license to place no lose bets then so should Joe Sixpack...
  6. The council do so love bulldozing houses that violate planning consent. Still I doubt it will be missed, it looks like a flat-pack from Ikea
  7. What happened to the green shoots of recovery, not heard talk of those in a while, did they blossom into a tree, that subsequently got hit by the bulldozer of reality? All we need are free cookies, then everything will be right as rain
  8. In some ways in pains me to agree as I know some people are really struggling out there, but you are right, there is still too much cash around. The people who have sucked out all the money are still living it large, while others are really struggling. The balanced need shifted back somehow. Since most of the wealth has been hovered up in housing then it makes sense that housing is the thing to releases this wealth back into the economy. For too long this country has sacrificed productive work as a way to generate wealth and replaced it with non-productive work like BTL and home-ownership. A pile of bricks should not be generating the same wealth as someone who is doing a honest days work, as this devalues going to work down to nothing, even more so when the bricks are not even own outright.
  9. We pay all this money in and then when we come to use it we are offered a third rate service. Daniel Hannan was right, the NHS has been a 60-year mistake.
  10. So does that mean the UK Govt. shouldn't count on homeowners MEW'ing their gains to keep the UK ponzi economy going? It'll be a first if so... This pillock should be holding my targets at the bottom of the firing range.
  11. Incredible, what's more incredible is the lack of coverage from the MSM. It's pretty obvious where this is going to end - Greece handing the cards back to the Dealer.
  12. It certainly is taking a beating today, seeing $1700 again would be nice and maybe this time I will actually BTFD
  13. Sounds like in this reality we can sit around all day long drinking beer and have our bots service our every need. I'm still not seeing where the food is coming from in all this though or who is out producing said food. Maybe I'm missing something here?
  14. If this is true then why are we not doing it right now? How come every crackpot green scheme needs to be subsidised by both Govt. money input and also conventional energy input. Mankind will switch I agree, but not through choice, we'll be forced to switch and a good proportion of the worlds population will starve to death in the process.
  15. Productivity and consumption of what though? 5 million iPhone apps? Technology isn't going to help mankind at the basic ground level. Food production for example is going to become a huge issue, especially as we try and basically grow petrol to keep the happy motoring fiasco going.
  16. Interesting read, trouble is I am now picturing Osborne as a Tortoise
  17. I'm surprised the FTSE100 doesn't have fraction burns with all this up and down movement. Still nothing like some volatility to swell the Banksters coffers.
  18. 7bn people are not somehow going to be magically living off the energy from the sun. How much energy do you believe it would take to restructure our current living arrangements to make such a thing possible? Mankind will return to working the land by hand, industry will been forced to localise, the energy to carry on with the current farce just isn't there I'm afraid. There's an old Middle Eastern saying; "My father rode a camel, I drive a car, my son flies a jet plane, his son will ride a camel."
  19. It's always the last lot, I didn't see the Tories jumping up and down complaining about the housing bubble while they were sat in opposition. The current situation we find ourselves in has been slow baking for decades under both colours of Government.
  20. Having more of something that is worth less isn't growth, it's merely the illusion of growth.
  21. +1 You cannot have infinite growth on a planet with finite resources, but you sure as hell can pretend to have it...
  22. Great contraction for the little man, great big pile of money for his elite chums who keep creating digital money out of thin air and charging interest on it. It's time we told these Muppets to F.O.
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