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Everything posted by Potwalloper

  1. Absolutely correct if considering only one step ahead, but completely self defeating as you point out. Has the Spinning Jenny reduced demand for fabric? Looks like the term Luddite deserves its pejoritive status. I have never known moving on to not be a good thing. I have also never heard of a government sponsored organisation remotely capable of assessing what is good for society. So you wish to drive a Trabant and be served in innefficient understocked shops by well built women in headscarves? I think you wish to serve something else!
  2. Your comments are an insight into the buffonery that makes socialist ideology. It would be funny if there weren't so many people like you in the political and public sectors - soon to be flushed out, though once we admit that the money ran out some time ago.
  3. Jokes poke out of your argument like stuffing out of an old cushion. Why would a union be useful in a situation in the case where automation makes jobs redundant? It's so obvious that this should just happen and so obviously stupid to not face up to it. Are there really people who think that by the formation of a mob, innovation can be stifled? Some outsourcing works and should be allowed to, and plenty doesn't. By far the majority of those leading private commercial enterprise (by value and by number) have to get the balance right, or they get fired or go bust. This goes for all judgements that have to be made. That's as it should be. Where this doesn't happen (like care home managers - did anybody see the Gerry Robinson thing about this?) there is usually some unionised state rig-up promoting the scam. Also see banks c. 2007. Striking used to make sense when people were not mobile. Now they are, it is just a symptom of the wrong people trying to cling on to the wrong job.
  4. £780k is the threshold for the top 0.1% of earners. This is around 30X average income. Most CEO's earn less than this, but are still paying huge wodges of tax. Are your figures right?
  5. If you tell me which technicalities are breached without recounts/reballots, I'd be interested.
  6. Ideally, maybe. I would quite like them to get on and strike, bust the airline and be replaced by people who want to provide the service without pouting and being orange (see excellent point made by OP). But, it's not my dispute, and we don't live in an ideal world. Pragmatism, see?
  7. That depends on your point of view, and your definition of pragmatic. Also, I don't think I am cowardly.
  8. I am guessing, but if the ballot was not run correctly, it becomes void. It isn't ususally about yeah-but-no-but fair's-fair arguments, but instead the technicalities have to be right. Nothing new about that. Quite right too.
  9. I know what you mean, but I am not talking in abstract terms. I am being pragmatic. That may seem odd to you. Sorry.
  10. Courts following the law are not unjust. I can understand a Unite member being very very angry with the way their union handled things.
  11. Do you mean its demons? Sorry, couldn't be bothered to follow your link.
  12. Apparently that's fine. Public sector, public can pay.
  13. In different fit of symbolism, the socialist government make it quite clear that there is no requirement for anybody to do anything out of the ordinary or inventive. If you put yourself out, they will take the benefit from it. I'm not talking about bankers' bonuses, but the 50% tax rate in general. In that case, there is a clear majority in favour of just being a bit lazy and a bit jealous. Should it be listened to?
  14. Like the Finance Officers who put money into Icelandic banks and lost it - without being sacked?
  15. The property ramping layabouts who think the country owes them a living because they got into debt with buy to let aren't so great either.
  16. The sub text is that yes, it's a jungle alright, but if you study hard to get to know the ropes, you can survive without too much hassle. For me, that's QED. A person running a small company doesn't have this knowledge and has no access to it. All he has is one of these hippy leaflets.
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