Saturday, November 8, 2008

Interesting article… might solve inflation too..

Forget Corn: Mushrooms May Hold Key to Energy Crisis

``In 2010, we will have enzymes commercially available and a process that will allow our customers to produce at around $2.50 per gallon,'' Novozymes Chief Executive Officer Steen Riisgaard said in a September interview in Copenhagen. *******Not in the UK, we will still get screwed on fuel******

Posted by mark @ 06:19 PM (703 views)
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6 thoughts on “Interesting article… might solve inflation too..

  • I disagree, I’ve no doubt that fuel costs and asociated tax will drop. But the cost of road use based on the evil ‘congestion’ will rocket. Hence the EU Galileo satellite road traffic tracking project. As fuel becomes greener so the basis for tax will be eliminated as will the tax take on tobacco and ultimately alcohol once the targeting has started in earnest. So another reason must be found to raise revenue. Maybe a tax on those unhealthy goods sugar and salt by making them bonded goods.

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  • planning4acrash says:

    Mark, inflation has nothing to do with how many goods are out there, it is about growth in the money supply, he dilution of your wealth. So long as we have fiat money issued by a central bank, we cannot benefit from any improvement in GDP, because it will always be matched or exceeded by growth in the money supply. Imagine if Malct is right and dark energy increases GDP by 1000%, the BOE will match it with a 1500% growth in the money supply. They use growth as a tool against us, because we are more likely to accept inflation during a growth period. The system is set up to ensure that the proles and “rising” middle class do not get richer.

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  • if fuel goes down in price and becomes so freely available then inflation will drop …

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    Henry Kissinger will have to wait this time until the next Republican candidate wins back the white house, because his partner Zbig is back.

    Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Brzezinsky have been involved as presidential advisers and foreign policy makers in every administration for the last forty years, to ensure the policies of the Rockefellers’ and their global partners are implemented.

    As JP Morgan once enunciated that it is essential to have a foot in every camp, so the money masters have Henry for the Republicans and Zbigniew for the democrats.

    Historically, every American administration sets the stage for the next one, and every new president will complete what his predecessor has started. The recent war in Georgia, as well as the ballistic missiles pact that binds Poland and the Czech Republic to the US has set the stage for Obama’s advisers to choreograph the next conflict with the Russians.

    Rev. Richard Skaff

    little prof – charming – you haven’t answered my question – part one was OK – but I need to know more.

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  • Planning4acrash says:

    One of Zbigniew’s close relatives was advising the McCain lot. I think you overplay any divisions there may be.

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  • mark – full mark(s) for trying, but they’re all out xmas shopping – (there is no Christ in Xmas)

    it’s saturday – time to load up on debt, buy all the cr@p.

    OR – most posters post from “nine til five” five days a week jobs, making use of their firms slack security.

    So perhaps those posting today are the most sincere, concerned, dedicated mushrooms?

    The telescreen will negate my efforts

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